Hello friends!!!
Since I am already working on a new version of my game, Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, which is on Steam and coming soon to EPIC Games Store, I decided to make the homebrew port for PS3 and Xbox 360 for FREE, so now you can enjoy the BEST and most BASED homebrew game ever released for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
It's free to download on Gamejolt:
Game Jolt - Share your creations

It runs on PS3 CFW/HEN and on Xbox360 RGH/JTAG, but you must manually change your console output video settings to 480p otherwise the game will not run.
As all of you know, I was able to port the free version of Unreal Engine 3 to both PS3 and Xbox360 some years ago, but, unfortunately, I was not able to optimize it enough to make it run perfectly on these consoles.
It runs at 60 fps but on the 480p resolution, if you change to 720p or even 1080p it will cause a memory overload on the PS3. Some maps may run on Xbox360, since the RAM memory of Xbox is 521MB while the PS3 is just 256MB. So I optimized the HUD to work on 480p and because of this you need to manually change the console output resolution.
I tried to change this setting on the PARAM.SFO but it did not work, it seems that this is something hard coded on the Unreal Engine 3 itself, since I used a very old UE3 source code leak for porting the engine.
Anyway, I am sure you will enjoy this game. The consoles versions are based on the first build, so it contains some bugs and the game's difficulty is hardcore. The actual build on steam is much better and improved compared to the consoles versions, but, anyways, this was more a personal challenge for myself.
The best thing is that it has local multiplayer with split screen on both consoles!