How To Avoid Re-Posting Console ID's.

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Nov 13, 2018
Here in our Console ID section, we like to keep it as clean and simple as we can. But sometimes, it gets very messy due to new members re-posting the same Consoles ID's without checking if they're already posted.

Most of the time, the Console ID's posted by new members are either re-posted, banned or in-valid. If you're found doing this, action will be taken against you.

Here is how you can prevent this from happening.

Let`s say you have got a Console ID and would like to post it in our Console ID section. Firstly, you would check our Console ID section here: to see if that Console ID has or hasn't already been posted.

If you can't see it posted, check again by pasting the Console ID in the search bar and press enter just to double check it.

If any results come up, that means the Console ID has already been posted and will not need re-posting. If nothing comes up, it will say 'No results found' that means you can post it as long as it's working and not banned or in-valid.

  • This is what will come up if the Console ID is already posted.


Please use this method to prevent re-posting Console ID's. Remember, If you're found re-posting Console ID's, action will be taken against you.
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    always good sign haha
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    good to see you back on here bro for sure
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