omg u say u have jailbrake man... soo cfw or jailbrake.... -.^ ? u now it's difrence jailbrake it's ofw first was runing games copy .. but based on ofw i think.. not sure i dont use it so u have cfw... with habib ? easy u instal the same soft ... ;] just put on pendrive and remember get blue ray out of console it's some chance if ur ps3 use disc and instal ofw ;] but only if its 4.70 on blue ray ... dont think if u have some game with it .. ur ps3 will call for 4.70 cfw ;] instal habbib or darknet or rebug cex.. u can what u want but for 100% dont get brick install the same habibb u was have before .. version 1.01 or 1.00 ? with cobra or not ? and the same version cuz habib put 7.10 in 2 version i ques