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How to format a hdd

omg u say u have jailbrake man... soo cfw or jailbrake.... -.^ ? u now it's difrence jailbrake it's ofw first was runing games copy .. but based on ofw i think.. not sure i dont use it so u have cfw... with habib ? easy u instal the same soft ... ;] just put on pendrive and remember get blue ray out of console it's some chance if ur ps3 use disc and instal ofw ;] but only if its 4.70 on blue ray ... dont think if u have some game with it .. ur ps3 will call for 4.70 cfw ;] instal habbib or darknet or rebug cex.. u can what u want but for 100% dont get brick install the same habibb u was have before .. version 1.01 or 1.00 ? with cobra or not ? and the same version cuz habib put 7.10 in 2 version i ques :P
aaa soo u put hdd from that jail broken... to console with cfw ... why u dont say all at first it's difrance ... just put that hd formated in pc to cfw console get the same soft habbibi version with the same cobra best... or u can instal another cfw 4.70 i am not sure bettter dont risk brick... :P cuz some cfw shits can be in flash memory... and put that hdd to jailbrake ps3 after format on laptop it will install ofw the same nember easly... :D why u use jailbrake bro ? it's
(A) Firmwares from 3.56 upwards are un-jailbreakable at the moment, perhaps it will remain that way, or perhaps we will see a break through in the future, only time will tell. BUT some ppls have 4.22 with jail :P still easy instal the same cfw and fix 2 ps3 :P but who use JAil today :D ? i see darknet autor hes use cobra ode , cfw , ofw , and e3 shits on 1 console... :D black magic for me ... ;] but why not..
realy i am low if uwana profesional answer write all corectly .... i put it on me forum tommorow i get pro answers.. i never use jailshit just cfw ;] when i have ps3 jailbrake was just start but not reselled ... some ppls got it to test from korea :D i am just normal cfw user ... ;] soo i dont know how to use tennesy ... when u brick ps3 bro.. or change past on ihs without destroy ps3 ;]
why u need jailbrake on 1 ps3 ? and what wersion .. wana play online ? without ban or soo :P ? i dont know about jail 4.70 but we dont use it from 4-5 years :D after 3.55 comes
Dude ur getting it all wrong. Ok im on 4.70 habib cobra 1.00 and for someone reason on my cfw ps3 when i turn it on it says file or system is corrupted and you cant press O u have to do it so i did it and it finishes and reboots but then again it shows same thing so i keep doing it and same thing show up. So i asked somebody and they told me that i have a messed up hdd so i need a new hdd. So i got the new hdd from my ofw ps3. I have 2 ps3 one is cfw the other is ofw. So i got the hdd from ofw and put it in cfw and i go to recovery because i csnt access the xmb menu so i press update and downgrade to 4.70 Habib which is the same fw i had before this whole issue happened and it freezes at 98% and then i tried 3.55 and samething. Any fw i try freezes at 98%
normal hdd broken sectors error - can be fixed on pc or changed bro u cant downgrade u need format hdd ! cuz there ofw from other ps3 ... u got brick or error... after put habibi 4.70 1.00 cobra on pendrive with formated hdd (anyway urs old dont must be broken... can will fix after format ) u due the same... ;] good if u dont get brick bro.. format that ofw hdd.. ur ofw console will want the same soft when u put other hdd.. :X cant instal lower only higher... from ofw ... on cfw first u need rogero 9.99 dow~ but u cannot instal it now... :P i think u need go with urs cfw now and next u can down to 3.55 easy ... with rogero 9.99 or put flags qte or some shit like that... :P
or meaby ur console it's nad ? or nor ? but its not difrence i dont try recovery menu never... but i read if easy to change ... no maters ofw or cfw just need allways format from computer cuz ps3 dont get format when u put another hdd with ofw or cfw in the same number 4.70... only from cfw 4.66 u can go to 4.70 ofw but after changing hdd i am not sure :P if without flashing u dont get down :P
Ok so i have to format from laptop or buy a new hdd and then downgrade with 3.55 rogero downgrader ans then otheros file and then 4.70 habib 1.00 right
u use recovery menu ? and u need get correctly the same cfw 4.70 on pendrive .... u now ? pud hdd off from console run recovery menu (service menu hold 10-15 seccounds power buton 1 bbeep it's video reset , next 5 sec u go to recovery...) and get update soft and read what version ur console want.s but for sure they ask for 4.70.. ;] i never try just read some .... or u have other problem i see 1 post than ps3 cant format any hddd .. but its 5% chance... i read the problem answers by profesionals .. hes said never mind what hdd u put ps3 always try to check system files ... u can try put old hdd and click restore system settings .. u got lucky if they fix ps3 and u got cfw back... answers by ppls who work with down~ at profesional :P also some ppls i read now have problem with usb rly 2 guy's from me forum cant install cfw using 4 other pendrives :D 1 solved by burn cfw on dvd .... lol much cheap pendrives dont work correctly and ps3 cant fformat hdd some soft have bugs with usb too..
ehhh... yes but if u due all right u still can have problem it's difrent with soft's bugs and items like pendrives or so ..
u change hdd but first format on pc to fat32 if u can... next put ur habibi 1.00 7.10 cobra u say ? right on pendrive formated for fat32 with correct directories X:/PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP get ur blueray out from ps3 ... only 1 port will detect ur software ;p its normal try right or left .. i dont remember... put ps3 on but hold powerbutton 15 secounds after 5 sec u get hear beep hold more 10 seconds u hear 2 beeps and u on recovery menu = service menu ... there 2 solves.. 1 i read 1 man got problem with orignal hdd get repair broken files and restart alltimes after got 100 hes use restore database but u will got lucky if it fix problem.... so try just klick instal software ;] read if ur ps3 see it on pendrive .... if not change usb slot if it dont help it's usb problem or pendrive... :P solution 2 ppls got burn on dvd .... rly it's lame but habbibi 4.56 have bugs like that... but i am not sure how model u have that with instaled soft inside on flash or that what will need to reinstal when u change hdd ... cuz some of models dont need they wana just format hdd :P
rly say me about ur ps3 models corectly u got names where u got power cable.... it's cechb1~~~~~ it's ps3 model... it's almost all the same 2.5 sata hdd but i hear about difrence about some rmps speed ... and wee see if u put hdd to nor or nad ps3 :P but u can try ur self ... u say u put new hd and they dont call u to install software again ? ... but try recovery...
can help but can be waste too... u said u put working hdd right ? formated and they dont ask u "put media with system version 4.70 ? " they just format auto and stuck on 97% ? soo try otherway try put recovery menu if that dont work remove hdd .... and try again .. u can fix that by restore database option there.... but in old hdd i quest... :P or if it's that 2 type ps3 (most of them i think need to reinstal cfw on new hdd) :P u need still install that soft...
nice now i can ask friends ;] or put post hehe but here is 4.25 am soo need wait to ansfer i check info anyway... but friends say some time ago cech 3001a cant be down to 3.55 i think :]
did u due what i say at first ?! RUN RECOVERY MENU BRO ..... ?
okey u now how run factory menu of ps3 ? or recovery menu... it's menu hidden to fixing broken ps3... if u got brick and u can run it u can fix ur ps3... even down from there ! -.- hold power button when u on ps3.... 10-15 sec after 5 u hear 1 beep sound hold more 10 seconds before u hear another 2beeps... and u on recovery menu ... now be corectly with work u can brick ps3... or easy fix ;]
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