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How to get ALL DLCs for LBP1 and LBP2

is it safer to use this method when using a US version? been considering it but i wanted to attempt both and im unsure if its possible to do so
i used the us versions and i only found the BCUS file with the edats for lbp2 dlc, and not for lbp1 or lbp3. i installed both of them twice but to no avail.
Hey guys!
I was looking for DLCs for these games, and I noticed that people ( and myself too ) faced problems for get them working. But there is Zack for a solution! :)
LBP1 and LBP2 have a different system for manage DLCs, a very little difference.
LBP 1 title ID is BCES00141
LBP 2 title ID is BCES00850
So when we install DLCs PKG, they will be placed on dev_hdd0/game/ BCES00141 and BCES00850, but they will not work. ( or at least not all )
Why? Because the folders for DLCs must be BCES00141DLC0 and BCES00850DLC0, don't know why. And even if you change the name of the folder or create a new one, PS3 will not recognize it.

So, first of all download my package DLC -> https://www.mediafire.com/?xpm5343usus022o
Virus scan -> https://www.virustotal.com/fr/file/...d9cdc3acac14df6360505430/analysis/1409438006/

Make sure your game is FULLY UPDATED ( if you have LBP2, you don't need LBP1 too )
Now follow this! ALL THE STEPS! In this mode you can have ALL DLCs and by ALL I mean ALL LOL include super rare DLCs ( Crown and T-shirts )
1) Access PSN, go to PSN Store, and search " LittleBigPlanet ".
2) First select " LittleBigPlanet " the full game, then move to add-ons and go on " view all ". It will show all the DLCs for the game. Go on " add filter " then " Price " and select FREE. Download a FREE DLC.
3) Do the same for " LittleBigPlanet 2 ".
4) Reboot PS3. Extract the content of my .rar and copy all the PKGs in the root of an USB Device and plug it in PS3.
5) Install ( in order ) :
5a - [BCES00850] - Little Big Planet 2 - Tron Costume.pkg
5b - [BCES00141] LBP 1 ALL DLC.pkg
5c - [BCES00850] LBP 2 ALL DLC PACK 1.pkg
5d - [BCES00850] LBP 2 ALL DLC PACK 2.pkg
6) Go on MultiMAN, then press start+select for enter in File Manager Mode.
7) Navigate in :
-> dev_hdd0/game,
First enter BCES00141 , then USRDIR and copy ALL the edats. Go back, enter BCES00141DLC0, USRDIR, and past them there.
Now enter BCES00850 , then USRDIR and copy ALL the edats. Go back, enter BCES00850DLC0, USRDIR, and past them there.
8) Boot LBP2 and play it :) - you don't need LBP1 - you'll have ALL DLCs! Except the new ones of world cup soccer LMAO

is it possable for you to get the dlc for the bcus lbp1 and 2?
Is there something I should need to do with my Ps3 before I do this? and will this get me banned or mess with my profile on LBP? I'm just curious
Im just gonna put this out there lol, I'd be suprised if anyone would even read this anymore. But what the f**k am I supposed to do can someone help me? Discord - Luxy-kun#2562
You need a CFW PS3 for these things to work. Region doesn't matter as a CFW system is not region locked.
Also, please click 'reply' on my name so I will be alerted. I will be able to reply faster to you this way.

I know how many years later this post is but can you help me? If you use discord my discord Is Sparky#1946
Does the PS3 recocnize that it aren't the normal files. Or are the files the normal ones you would get by buying it? Because my question is if a program could find out that it aren't the real dlc (Or maybe it are the original real files idk) could you please tell me? I don't support piracy, i am only thinking about doing this for my dummy jailbreak acc. Are the files the real files you would get by buying the dlc or is it medefied so that someone could find that out?
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