Hey guys!
I was looking for DLCs for these games, and I noticed that people ( and myself too ) faced problems for get them working. But there is Zack for a solution!

LBP1 and LBP2 have a different system for manage DLCs, a very little difference.
LBP 1 title ID is BCES00141
LBP 2 title ID is BCES00850
So when we install DLCs PKG, they will be placed on dev_hdd0/game/ BCES00141 and BCES00850, but they will not work. ( or at least not all )
Why? Because the folders for DLCs must be BCES00141DLC0 and BCES00850DLC0, don't know why. And even if you change the name of the folder or create a new one, PS3 will not recognize it.
So, first of all download my package DLC ->
Virus scan ->
Make sure your game is FULLY UPDATED ( if you have LBP2, you don't need LBP1 too )
Now follow this! ALL THE STEPS! In this mode you can have ALL DLCs and by ALL I mean ALL LOL include super rare DLCs ( Crown and T-shirts )
1) Access PSN, go to PSN Store, and search " LittleBigPlanet ".
2) First select " LittleBigPlanet " the full game, then move to add-ons and go on " view all ". It will show all the DLCs for the game. Go on " add filter " then " Price " and select FREE. Download a FREE DLC.
3) Do the same for " LittleBigPlanet 2 ".
4) Reboot PS3. Extract the content of my .rar and copy all the PKGs in the root of an USB Device and plug it in PS3.
5) Install ( in order ) :
5a - [BCES00850] - Little Big Planet 2 - Tron Costume.pkg
5b - [BCES00141] LBP 1 ALL DLC.pkg
5c - [BCES00850] LBP 2 ALL DLC PACK 1.pkg
5d - [BCES00850] LBP 2 ALL DLC PACK 2.pkg
6) Go on MultiMAN, then press start+select for enter in File Manager Mode.
7) Navigate in :
-> dev_hdd0/game,
First enter BCES00141 , then USRDIR and copy ALL the edats. Go back, enter BCES00141DLC0, USRDIR, and past them there.
Now enter BCES00850 , then USRDIR and copy ALL the edats. Go back, enter BCES00850DLC0, USRDIR, and past them there.
8) Boot LBP2 and play it

- you don't need LBP1 - you'll have ALL DLCs! Except the new ones of world cup soccer LMAO