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[List] Global Black-List/Abusers [XBOX] [PS3]

Just please stop. What y'all are arguing about is mainly a he said she said thing. Just because someone is selling freeze stuff that is in the CC Dev Team doesn't mean the whole "Team" is doing it. There isn't one person on this fucking forum or any forum that has anything to do with GTA IV that just play regular with mods with no freezing people or whatever. Nobody spawns ramps for non-modders or spawn cars for people anymore like back in 2011-2013. If your on this site you have some kind of freeze method to drop kids(not freeze guns LOL like black screen or the fucking freeze car lulz).

God I love you. No homo bro lol...

The reason this thread was made is so people that own menus(like MD) can black list these kids from using the menu in the future. I don't think I am doing a good job and never have I ever thought I was doing a good job. I stopped trying to "fix" this game awhile ago because there is no way to stop kids with USB sticks and hot swappers with leaked freeze menus dropping lobbies. All of you arguing on here isn't going to get anybody anywhere so just let this thread keep being used for what it is suppose to be used for and go argue somewhere else. If y'all hate each other this much add me on skype we can create a group convo just to argue about a pointless topic from dusk to dawn. BTW aidable this wasn't directed just to you so sorry if it came off as that lol. But frfr stop going on with this childish convo please its pointless...
In my opinion this thread was made to alert people of certain individuals that have abused mods is some way or another. The problem these days is that kids class Chronicle and shit like that as abuse when it's really not. If someone freezes me I wouldn't say they're abusing their mods it's when they join your games and shit like that. But tbh im not meaning this to sound like an argument just a discussion.
In my opinion this thread was made to alert people of certain individuals that have abused mods is some way or another. The problem these days is that kids class Chronicle and shit like that as abuse when it's really not. If someone freezes me I wouldn't say they're abusing their mods it's when they join your games and shit like that. But tbh im not meaning this to sound like an argument just a discussion.
I respect that but Grue is getting his notifications blown up by all of us arguing and what not that's why this thread was closed at one point in time.
A lot of people are already whitelisted in my script and for some people who wish to purchase will be asked for reasons of blacklisting and depending on that reason I may ask for proof. The script is protected with a GT check and the list is protected against Sco Toolbox. Some customers will be required to have me on their friendslist also.

Friends of mine will be whitelisted free of charge. So, you two are safe. This also wouldn't work on ghosts as of yet.
Someone pm me this dudes gamertag. ;)
they add me on black list for nothing lol
When do i drop pilot lobbys ask true curses i dont drop them anymore
I clearly have a reason, you even said it.
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you abuse blacklist nuff said.
Just stop you have no clue about anything that happens behind the scenes. You are just another person who just started playing GTA IV recently and thinks he knows everything. You admitted that you have dropped pilot lobbies, that enough said to start off with. You gave your self a bad reputation before you even had a reputation... R07 doesn't have randoms on his black list, he black lists people like you who drop lobbies or excuse me used to drop lobbies... I talk to him almost every day he can care less about freeze options he just likes to play the game with the modes he has been making for a long time now. Just stop please
Just stop you have no clue about anything that happens behind the scenes. You are just another person who just started playing GTA IV recently and thinks he knows everything. You admitted that you have dropped pilot lobbies, that enough said to start off with. You gave your self a bad reputation before you even had a reputation... R07 doesn't have randoms on his black list, he black lists people like you who drop lobbies or excuse me used to drop lobbies... I talk to him almost every day he can care less about freeze options he just likes to play the game with the modes he has been making for a long time now. Just stop please
I did before but not anymore ? So why would he abuse still if i dont anymore, so therefore hes still abusing me now lol played recently ? Ive been around since 210 mate gtfo
This list could use some updates and I can't help but notice a few of you have threatened your way off of it. That's fine and all but unfortunately, the original was backed up in case this ever happened and you will be held accountable for your actions if you were on it. Anon Zehn aka Evan should be re-added immediately for dropping lobbies within the past 24 hours. Her new gamertag is Homie Hypnotic. Vr Pk is the new gamertag for phykik cloud who also belongs on there for dropping lobbies. Also belonging on that list - fox qp, gay together and supernxtural. If you see abuseable in game he will most likely be using the gt DFA Nemesis. Aidable aka "o mickeyb o" needs to be re-added for supporting these losers and dropping lobbies himself. I look forward to seeing you all around :evil:
I did before but not anymore ? So why would he abuse still if i dont anymore, so therefore hes still abusing me now lol played recently ? Ive been around since 210 mate gtfo
If you have been around since 2010 then you wouldn't be on this thread complaining about shit because kids have abused there mods since public script mods have been released... Once a abuser always a abuser. You will remain on the black lists until people can trust you because of your past we can't take your word for anything
This list could use some updates and I can't help but notice a few of you have threatened your way off of it. That's fine and all but unfortunately, the original was backed up in case this ever happened and you will be held accountable for your actions if you were on it. Anon Zehn aka Evan should be re-added immediately for dropping lobbies within the past 24 hours. Her new gamertag is Homie Hypnotic. Vr Pk is the new gamertag for phykik cloud who also belongs on there for dropping lobbies. Also belonging on that list - fox qp, gay together and supernxtural. If you see abuseable in game he will most likely be using the gt DFA Nemesis. Aidable aka "o mickeyb o" needs to be re-added for supporting these losers and dropping lobbies himself. I look forward to seeing you all around :evil:
I have a clean common = No freeze cars so how am I dropping lobbies hoe?

Also what is your name supposed to mean?
This list could use some updates and I can't help but notice a few of you have threatened your way off of it. That's fine and all but unfortunately, the original was backed up in case this ever happened and you will be held accountable for your actions if you were on it. Anon Zehn aka Evan should be re-added immediately for dropping lobbies within the past 24 hours. Her new gamertag is Homie Hypnotic. Vr Pk is the new gamertag for phykik cloud who also belongs on there for dropping lobbies. Also belonging on that list - fox qp, gay together and supernxtural. If you see abuseable in game he will most likely be using the gt DFA Nemesis. Aidable aka "o mickeyb o" needs to be re-added for supporting these losers and dropping lobbies himself. I look forward to seeing you all around :evil:
Homie Hypnotic doesn't even have mods... the only person you just named who has mods and still plays is VR PK
This list could use some updates and I can't help but notice a few of you have threatened your way off of it. That's fine and all but unfortunately, the original was backed up in case this ever happened and you will be held accountable for your actions if you were on it. Anon Zehn aka Evan should be re-added immediately for dropping lobbies within the past 24 hours. Her new gamertag is Homie Hypnotic. Vr Pk is the new gamertag for phykik cloud who also belongs on there for dropping lobbies. Also belonging on that list - fox qp, gay together and supernxtural. If you see abuseable in game he will most likely be using the gt DFA Nemesis. Aidable aka "o mickeyb o" needs to be re-added for supporting these losers and dropping lobbies himself. I look forward to seeing you all around :evil:
One time I was in a game with Homie Hypnotic had thought she was the one constantly freezing me until some guy messaged me saying she doesn't mod and to back off and stop messing with her when I wasn't even doing anything. VR PK doesn't abuse, the last time I was in a game with him he was making map mods way out in the ocean.
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