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Problem Connecting The RTM Tool To My PS3


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Hey Guys i have a problem with thertm tools for gta 5 , i installed ccapi on my ps3 and its connecting with my console manager on my pc and the problem is when i connect the rtm tool to my ps3 ip , it says (failed to connect) idk why and i tryed ccapi 2.00 and 2.50 and the rtm tools are not working , can you please help me :) the console manager is connecting and the rtm isn't That's My Problem
First: try to install CCAPI 2.00 on your PS3,and try to connect. If that doesnt work delete CCAPI 2.00 and install CCAPI 2.50, and add your PS3 as a target on Console Manager 2.5. If that doesnt work then i dont know what the problem is :(
Thanks for the replay but i tryed both 2.00 and 2.50 and there connecting to my ps3 but the rtm is not connecting its a weird problem
hmmm, are you connecting via DEX or CEX?
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