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Who doesn't? mod abusers are the ones who mainly ruined the game..
it somehow amuses them when they freeze & torture non- modders.
but when another modder fucks with another modder, they get upset, the irony is strong.
Yet you would know how that amusement feels as i've caught you several of times and had to freeze you, silly you! :)
the fact that the image takes so much space.... don't worry about, i didn't mean annoying in a bad way, i meant it in a funny way :P
Hi Guys,

Extend+ V11 is ready and we are running lasts tests on XBOX, PS3 is tested and comfirmed working smooth and stable without any freezebugs.

Now its the time to get the special versions, release date for PUBLIC Edition is 22 december 2015.

Note : The public edition will not have any Ghost Detection, due to the leak u understand i cannot release this without GT locks.

However the MDv11 Protections also included in public(modelfreeze, grouphack, object attach etc..) are Bulletproof to Ghosts.

I want to keep my users safe! My mods are made to safeguard GTA4 and not to be abused.

For ppl interested in :

V11 Premium Edition (With Ghost Detection and ability to act on Ghosts)+ Premium Options.


Premium Admin Edition with Fully functional Ghost + Admin and Ghost Detection
The Admin version also has some neat Dev features so u know what exactly goes on in your game.

Its a very strong series of menus (4 menus) giving u full control of a game (way above Host) and they should be used wise to keep our rooms alive and make sure ppl, modders and non modders have fun. Cus thats why we play this game.

The V11Premium Editions are not given for free! PM Me to get them.

Premium Admin comes with a 12 month PREMIUM free membership at this site : www.consolecrunch.com. It will allow u to browse trough all exclusive premium content.

Also check out our new section "Games Laboratory" for those that are interested in coding, for the beginners we will provide example scripts and sources and help u on the way, for the advanced coders we are open to all questions and support u where we can to help u forward in scripting for this game.

The link to the laboratory : https://consolecrunch.com/categories/game-code-laboratory.178/


Hey i pmed you about the advanced version...... Could reply sometime?
I seriously don't know what you're talking about, are you on any type of medication? Please elaborate.
Yep, this is you. You get offended easily and cry like a little girl. I see you abusing your mods, i take you out and you start rambling about real life.... pathetic really.... I'm done here, you'll already be blocked by the time you attempt to reply, Goodnight.
Yep, this is you. You get offended easily and cry like a little girl. I see you abusing your mods, i take you out and you start rambling about real life.... pathetic really.... I'm done here, you'll already be blocked by the time you attempt to reply, Goodnight.
You mad pussy? Lol..
I love making niggas like you mad over a 7 year old game, come try me if you're some typical tough guy, you should get a Grammy the way you acting, goml scrub.
And for the record, you're a sad wannabe known modder or w.e the he'll you call yourself on GTA xD
RELEASE DELAYED and now set 26th December due to WAY TO MUCH LAGG in the menus, im trying to find out what caused it.
It happened since yesterday so im gona have to redo a part, and go step by step to fix it. Damn it was as good as ready and now this Lagg.
Sorry Guys, u will have to wait. Im not gone release a laggy menu.

I know my haters will love this, LET THE HATE FLOW TROUGH U!
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