For those who want v13 now -Guys I think v13 is out now I saw it on YouTube!
For those who want v13 now -Guys I think v13 is out now I saw it on YouTube!
For those who want v13 now -
Nah, I don't want any money... The video isn't mine. I also know exactly how it works.FAKE SCAM He justs wants money for something he got free and dont know how it works
Nah, I don't want any money... The video isn't mine. I also know exactly how it works.
hey waaaasssuuuuupppppLol you think u can what have you created by yourself then
I've coded RTM tools, I've made my own personal menu, I have fixed minor bugs in MDv13 as well as my personal version of MDv11.03.Lol you think u can what have you created by yourself then
he hacked the v13I've coded RTM tools, I've made my own personal menu, I have fixed minor bugs in MDv13 as well as my personal version of MDv11.03.
I just don't post every little thing I do to get "e-fame".
May I ask, what have your done though?
he hacked the v13
Here's a photo of "JRD" claiming he's an MDv13 developer. Here is the link to the photo
No i didnt hack it at all i fixed alot of the bugs and curently working on the content but ive made 3 different menus one for BO2 and one for gta
And mw2 and i have a multi rtm tool for the three games if you want you can contact me on skype for anything you wanna discuss or need help for im open for some suggestions
LMAOJRD2000 post: 312819 said:This dickhead has also said that he's going to "freeze" me if he sees me on GTA 4, which clearly states that he's a so-called "abuser". Here's the link to that message:
looooooooooooool developer replaces admin this is normal buddy ask nathan and JRD2000 is well an adminHere's a photo of "JRD2000" claiming he's an MDv13 developer. Here is the link to the photo:
looooooooooooool developer replaces admin this is normal buddy ask nathan and JRD2000 is well an admin
Here's proof of him not being a developer of MD:
the johhny dude is a skid, He acts like he is the shit until I go to act dumb, and ask him about modding, then poof, he goes clueless on modding giving me random information that takes me no-where. He tried saying that "oh I fixed and helped produce Major Distribution" blah blah, when I know for a fact he is spewing out crap from his mouth. I asked about MD v13 in June or April and he said "WE'RE in the process of making it." so I think "Who is "we" "? Yeah he is power-hungry. Less of him the better. He talks shit about people I know, MD devs or PSN friends in general, Hoping he will piss of one day and leave GTA modding to people who know what the hell they're doing, not like I can say much as I only made a mod menu that crashed 24/7 and a few car scripts but still, Less of wannabe's, the better. It's funny hearing a dude claim to be on the dev team, knowing yourself, you know who actually is on the dev team, trying to claim property off of someone else's hard work is a scum thing to do. smfhYeah exactly