Happy Holidays! One of the key PS4 releases since the v9.00 Jailbreak last year has likely been the PS4 CFW Toolkit, which was recently released by PS4 developer Al-Azif (although the developer insists everything is based on publicly available knowledge). The PS4 CFW Toolkit is a tool that allows you to Decrypts/Encrypts EAP KBL (Kernel Boot Loader) images. Located at /dev/sflash0s0x33, Decrypts/Encrypts EAP Kernel images. Located at /dev/da0x2, Decrypts/Encrypts EMC images. Can apply "Godmode" patches during either operation. Located at /dev/sflash0s0x32b and Decrypts/Encrypts SYSCON images. Inaccessible from filsystem.
With the proper keys, all of which can be obtained from the console, you can decrypt AND properly encrypt the following binary images:
- EAP KBL (Kernel Boot Loader)
- EAP Kernel
- EMC IPL (Initial Program Load)
- Syscon (Both Patch and Full)
- SAMU IPL (Encrypted with PCKs within Sflash and signed with private keys)
- Required for PS3 style CFW where you just install a PUP
- Private keys are NOT on the console
- Seven revisions
- SELF Files (Encrypted and signed with private keys)
- Would not matter if SAMU IPL is broken/custom
- Private keys are NOT on the console
- Bluetooth/WiFi FW (Not encrypted or signed. One of them is packed, it's just a ZIP)
- Three revisions
- BD Drive FW (Haven't looked at it)
- Six revisions
- USB SATA Bridge FW (Haven't looked at it)
- One revision
- Communication Processor FW (Haven't looked at it)
- Devkit only
- One revisio