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PS4 CFW Toolkit Released by Al Azif


Happy Holidays! One of the key PS4 releases since the v9.00 Jailbreak last year has likely been the PS4 CFW Toolkit, which was recently released by PS4 developer Al-Azif (although the developer insists everything is based on publicly available knowledge). The PS4 CFW Toolkit is a tool that allows you to Decrypts/Encrypts EAP KBL (Kernel Boot Loader) images. Located at /dev/sflash0s0x33, Decrypts/Encrypts EAP Kernel images. Located at /dev/da0x2, Decrypts/Encrypts EMC images. Can apply "Godmode" patches during either operation. Located at /dev/sflash0s0x32b and Decrypts/Encrypts SYSCON images. Inaccessible from filsystem.

With the proper keys, all of which can be obtained from the console, you can decrypt AND properly encrypt the following binary images:

  • EAP KBL (Kernel Boot Loader)
  • EAP Kernel
  • EMC IPL (Initial Program Load)
  • Syscon (Both Patch and Full)
What's missing as far as custom code running EVERYWHERE, that's not currently supported within this repo:

  • SAMU IPL (Encrypted with PCKs within Sflash and signed with private keys)
    • Required for PS3 style CFW where you just install a PUP
    • Private keys are NOT on the console
    • Seven revisions
  • SELF Files (Encrypted and signed with private keys)
    • Would not matter if SAMU IPL is broken/custom
    • Private keys are NOT on the console
  • Bluetooth/WiFi FW (Not encrypted or signed. One of them is packed, it's just a ZIP)
    • Three revisions
  • BD Drive FW (Haven't looked at it)
    • Six revisions
  • USB SATA Bridge FW (Haven't looked at it)
    • One revision
  • Communication Processor FW (Haven't looked at it)
    • Devkit only
    • One revisio
Download and source: Github Al Azif
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