Ended Top5 - CC Developers Team Is Looking To Expand

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Local Celebrity
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Jan 4, 2014
What's Up Crunchers :heart:

Today, i am announcing that we are recruiting for our "CC Dev Team" roster. Whats the "CC Dev Team"? Well, its a team of members that are developers that have now or in their recent past developed something as apart of the ConsoleCrunch community. What you get if your a "CC Dev Team" member? Badge, Colored Name, Access To CC Dev Section and the ability to say you belong to a developers team. :bucktooth: Why are we recruiting, one, the community slowly is coming to an end, if not a change in pace, and two, we are looking to expand our team to more developers of all kinds in the scene and possibly get more published or produced in the CC Dev Section for you and other CC Dev's. Now, there is just so much that can be done, that isnt or has yet to be. We as a team can work together, design, develop, and publish (Kind of sounds like it should be on a shirt?) great things. So lets do it!!

How Will The Contest Work? That's up to you, myself and a few other Dev's/Staff will go over submitted developments. And at the end of the contest, the thread will be update with the Top5 winners. Not because they are the best, or because the work was better, but because they perhaps have more to add to our current CC Dev Team with design, technique, and or the way they think. ALL WORK WILL BE JUDGES AND EVALUATED THE SAME.

: Friendly, Helpful, Active... More Known Languages Is A Plus. If you are an Android/iOS developer this is also a Plus!

  • Please don't encrypt projects, we must be able to examine the source/code and run the projects
  • Design and Develop something, NO SOURCED COPY N PASTE PROJECTS (Unless you make it your own, and provide credits to the skeleton developer.)
  • Contest length, 2-4 weeks
  • Every and all projects submitted will be voted on, the Top5 will be announced and will be welcomed to their new team, the "CC Dev Team"
  • Submit all projects to this thread, these will be publicly submitted, unless you have something you want to personally improve and expand then you may PM it
We look forward to seeing your submissions, may the best project builds, designs, techniques, and brains win!!:p

Thanks for your time, this contest will end sooner then you think, so get cracking. And yes, submissions can be submitted early. When you submit Please comment down below with your submission when you complete your project. Virus scans are welcomed.

Contest Ends 1/25/17!
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Local Celebrity
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Jan 4, 2014
Changed Expiration Time, Good Luck To All That Want To Join!
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