Tbh this is kinda silly.
The bans are issues automatically by bots/detection methods. They WILL not just go offline on weekends lmao, sony is a multi-million dollar company, their detection systems arent the type of thing that just get shut off on weekends lmao.
People are NOT manually inspecting systems.
All sony is doing is changing their detection methods to be better. In order to avoid bans all you need to do is disable webman before signing in. I have gone over a year on the one CID, All I do is disable webman, Never used or even installed PSNinja or PSNPatch.
I sell CIDs for $9.99 on my store (wont link because I'm not sure if I'm allowed)
Search PassiveModding rocketr if you need.
Only use shared CIDs IF you do not have access to a private one. Private CID/PSID combos will stop you from being banned for longer.