I dont know what to say about what you wrote here , i mean true or not true. anyway the post is good. personally i think sony have bots who ban people, is impossible for them to have only people to ban cids or accounts, they have ps3 ps4 and now with ps5 they are really busy and the solution is to make bots to ban cids. idk about psn patch if its a cid stealer. my story is i had my ps3 jailbreaked since the days of geohot who cracked the ps3 keys and for like 7 years or more i stayed on 3.55 and used to spoof my ps3 with sen enabler, i used only multiman, and never get banned bur also never played online games only 2 or 3 times but i was always connected to the psn to download games themes etc. i used movian alot. And 2 or 3 years ago i said i am sick of 3.55 and i should update to rebug and i updated. i dint used any tool to go online only sen enabler alays and loaded my games with multiman. my stupidity was i always keeped my consolo connected to internet and like i said no tool for cfw disabler while playing online(on rebug), i used to play gta5 killzone3 and defiance. my console being always connected sometimes forgot to disconnect when i start movian or another homebrew and after couple of weeks i got banned . from my experience i think you dont need any tool only sen enabler to spoof fw and to block access to psn if you are not playing online.
my advice is
EDIT : FIRST OF ALL make a new new account and only from it load games, copy games, use homebrew etc
1. use sen enabler or psn patch to block psn access while you run homebrew, if you have sen enabler + psn patch use sen enabler to spoof to 4.85 then delete the app , you have psn patch to block the psn access and the console is already spoofed to 4.85 even if you delete sen enabler
2. load your game (iso or bles blus folder idk which is better i use only folders backups in my ps3 hdd ) with multiman or better with webman mod , also my advice is to make iso for the games which play online because i heard iso is better
3. after loaded your game press R2 + /\ (triangle) to remove your history files and disable cfw syscall ,also you can delete browser hystory manualy if you want to
4. sign in to psn then start the game
5. dont use moded eboots, try to keep the game as close to original ,also you can check your game folders with ird ps3 iso rebuilder to see if the game is like original one
6. dont mod online , i never did this and i dont know nothing about modding or the tools required for this
7. if possible dont use your console original cid ,use one from internet
8. i forgot to say disable ftp access on webman and multiman while online
9. good luck
i saw a guy here who said he use a tool to connect from pc to ccapi on ps3 and change the cid every 30 seconds while you gaming online but i think this is bad and too easy to spot by sony, because on their servers your account will jump from cid to cid every 30 seconds if someone know better about this please correct me.i used that tool sometimes set to change every minute sometimes i just spoofed my cid with a random one after i connected to psn but also i think this will ban you faster .
IF ANYONE HAVE BETTER IDEAS PLEASE LET US KNOW. also if something is wrong on my post please correct me. and finally sorry if my english is bad i am still learning english CHEERS.