and a shit load more lol.
This guy is deranged lol, he claims to he's trying to make game safe yet admits he's going to drop every lobby. He has loads of accounts to do this, and keeps making new ones just to do this. He started threatening to freeze me every game because I didn't give him scripts that would protect him that I don't even have and aren't even possible.
He's 40 years old, still lives with his parents and lives like a pig in his messy room. He gets abused by people in his neighborhood real life so likes to think he's a boss on the internet to make up for it. He thinks he can boot me offline for 2 weeks hahahaha.
He tried to make me look like a bad modder, but everyone knows, I have fun in games and only freeze modders who abuse and freeze for no reason.
If you see someone in a game who mods, has an account with an XBL generated name, 0 gamerscare and still says silver account, then it's most likely him. He uses the TOURMAVERICK is a freeze boat, so protect yourself from that.
Current gamertags I know:
MR LUCK 7777777
and has like a thousand more, watch out for him. If you know more, post below. He has two consoles, phat and slim, and they both need to get console banned.
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