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you said your on dex.. you cant go online without rebug toolbox, you have to open up rebug toolbox and spoof to CEX to go online when on DEX.. if you turn on your console and execute the key bind then what will happen is you sign in and you get the one error code you get from not spoofing or banned cid so that is false!

I boot up and load my game then press R2+ triangle I don't use rebug toolbox 4.82.2 Rebug d-Rex spoofed to 4.83
Your welcome to allmy happy Members!! :)
This is what i have against hate :kiss::kiss:
It’s not hate, it’s the fact that people will believe the shit you say, when Sony obviously does not close on a Sunday, and you have no proof they use bots either
It’s not hate, it’s the fact that people will believe the shit you say, when Sony obviously does not close on a Sunday, and you have no proof they use bots either
no i dont but of course they use bots its kinda easy to tell and even you said and soo many others.. and i just verified i never meant they are closed.
i expl

ained it he just saying the same thing probs for more messages XD
Tbh mate if you want to chat shit, then go ahead, but I’m saying what I know, and the fact that you think a company such as Sony would close is just stupid, why would they waste money on bots for this website aswell?
Tbh mate if you want to chat shit, then go ahead, but I’m saying what I know, and the fact that you think a company such as Sony would close is just stupid, why would they waste money on bots for this website aswell?
lies i was never chatting shit.
i never insulted you
never said one curse word against anyone
your a staff im not clapped..
and i never said they hired bots on this site
that was from @ForceBeLxgend he said they might be on this site and i just find it weird that sony banned everyone this week because every weekend i used to be able to go online before it was more riskier
sony must of seen this post then
i never said yes or anything to him
and i certainly never mentioned anything about bots being on this site sony dosent own this site..
and i didnt mean it will close, i dont know what they do but i know they definetly reduce bans on the weekends for all i know i was just saying they might close or whatever i wasnt refering to them full on shutting down it was an example to be more in depth i tried to go through the whole thing.

i had enough of you, your comming onto my post asking the same thing and saying i was chatting shit when damn well you know i wasnt your just annoying me with queations dunno if your jealous or what not but ever since you know i posted this you just wacking me with hate! just leave me alone your just milking th situation and making false accusations even tho i did mention them being closed i didnt
So you are probably wondering why you get banned so easily (On A Public Console ID*)
well i got the answer for you! ;)

First, Click the "Like" button so i can get likes cause 9* is pretty Embarrassing.. :(
And if you cant see the 2 Spoilers under this, Then you have to scroll up and click on sign up or login to an existing account.
Once you do so you can go down there and click both of the spoilers which will
provide you with the reasoning to why you get banned faster then lightning and how to prevent it!

few of my friends work for sony and so they told me the following:
So Sony has been upgrading,
they have been getting bots to ban automatically,
before they started to upgrade i dont know if they had bots but it sure was
easier to sign in and play the games you enjoy the most easily.
So what i mean is sony has been getting more bots, stronger ones and better.
they ban automatically because now they are on ps4 and the employees are manually banning on ps4
so what i mean by manually and automatically is that sony has been installing robots on the playstation 3
to ban modders and what not and on the playstation 4 there might not be as
much bots like on the playstation 3, so they get real humans to ban people. manually using their computer.

I myself have another source which i have no proof of but i believe its true.
so there is a rumour possibly going around about PSNPatch (The homebrew)
people say its a CID stealer and i personally believe in it so i stay far away from it.
PSNinja and rebug toolbox is enough for signing in.
but of course like everyone knows if you use homebrews online and webman and what not, you should know
that there is a bigger chance of you getting banned.
and since there is tons of people on this website a day on console IDS then there is a big chance you will get banned!
get a cid its not gonna last long with loads of people on it.
no matter if you have experience with Jailbroken Consoles or not.
there is no reason to blame others.
Currently if you didnt understand what i meant by this whole reasoning then to summerise it,
basicically sony is killing us with continous ban waves.#
this has been going on for almost 2x months now!

Of course everyone knows that if you get a private console id you will automatically prevent it.
but the only problems with that is,
3.where to get them?

so what you could do is sign in to PSN using PSNinja and Rebug toolbox if you are on DEX/R-REX if you are on CEX/REX then i think
you just use PSNinja tho i dunno why you would be on CEX/REX.
Note that if you have Just a PSID/CID it wont last as long as a Console ID with a CID/PSID and a SSID.
the SSID helps and makes it harder to get banned
also make sure to clear your history by going into the playstaion 3 browser and click Triangle and one of the few columns in the top first 5 and then at the
bottom you should see clear cache and things like that* (there shall be 5 things you can clear there or 4 but im almost positive its 5)
disabling webman helps with the ban wave and preventing it if you arent on Rebug Lite/New Version of Rebug.

sony closes on the weekends so athough you might not always be able to sign in on the weekdays/from monday to friday
for a long time then just know my biggest secret,
SONY IS CLOSED ON THE WEEKENDS (SAT-SUN) so therefore there bots will be shut down and not overheat or i dunno what they do
for all i care but the reason it is good they close on weekends is because then you can sign in without even breaking your
hand punching a wall out of anger from the one message you get
from playstation of you being temporarly banned! ;)
so on the weekends if you can manage to stay online for 42 Hours/2 straight days then thank me later and dont forget dont stay up too late for all you people that still go
to school, you will be dead on monday if you dont go to bed on Sunday from playing too much! i warned you! ;)

So those are some reasons why you might be banned and how you shall prevent it without paying for a CID or using
money at all :)
Enjoy hope this helped

if you learnt anything on this post or what not please give me a "like" so i can make my Grandma happy and proud! ;)
Thank you Please leave your responses or anything i can correct i am pretty sure i made a few typos in there point it out
embarass me as much as possible! ;)
i said "or i dunno what they do" now stop milking the situation and read back i explained the same thing more then atleast 3x times while talkig to you and legend!
im not replying to the next mesage make all this fake shit you want i dont care no more. 100 replies on 1 post is good enough for me i wasnt trying to break a world record just helping!
... thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard... i dont believe that works please leave this thread if you dont know what you are saying.. its gonna be banned if you cjange it to a banned one and stop using all caps why you so mad?
Tbh this is kinda silly.

The bans are issues automatically by bots/detection methods. They WILL not just go offline on weekends lmao, sony is a multi-million dollar company, their detection systems arent the type of thing that just get shut off on weekends lmao.
People are NOT manually inspecting systems.

All sony is doing is changing their detection methods to be better. In order to avoid bans all you need to do is disable webman before signing in. I have gone over a year on the one CID, All I do is disable webman, Never used or even installed PSNinja or PSNPatch.

I sell CIDs for $9.99 on my store (wont link because I'm not sure if I'm allowed)
Search PassiveModding rocketr if you need.

Only use shared CIDs IF you do not have access to a private one. Private CID/PSID combos will stop you from being banned for longer.

I would like to reiterate a few points.
Disable Syscalls using the /\+R2 bind before signing in using webman and you will be fine. I have had the same CID for over a year without issues.

Sony does not stop it's detections during weekends because
1. they don't turn servers and stuff off on weekends
2. They are a multi-million dollar company, they can afford not to
3. They look for abnormalities in detecting bans, ie. root access, invalid files, unsigned applications running etc. Detecting these sorts of things are not necessarily challenging and probably run on the same servers as what the PSN network itself is hosted on
This is a terrible and uninformative post. Everything you stated is all based on unfounded speculation.

In addition to your Conspiracy Theory 101, you claim that you use public CID's but don't use PSN Patch; Only PS Ninja and Debug? First of all, PSNinja was rendered obsolete in 2015. It doesn't do anything to protect you anymore. The developer (******) said so themselves, and it's listed on the home-brew store. And not sure what you expect Rebug to do, but it doesn't spoof your IDPS, it helps by enabling you to go back to CEX to go online.

The reason CID's get banned so quickly now, is because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU That refuse to use CID spoofers and think they know what they're doing.

PSN Patch and SEN enabler don't steal your Console ID they spoof it so your IDPS doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. PUBLIC CID'S used to last months with hundreds of people using them. But There are people like you that think they are geniuses, are refuse to use basic protection, and end up getting the CID banned within a couple hours for the rest of us.

Infact, since you're using PUBLIC CID's why are you even worried about people stealing your CID?????? LITERALLY HUNDRED OF PEOPLE ARE USING THE SAME CID AS YOU!!!

You remind me of those people that refuse to vaccinate their kids because they're afraid they'll get autism, but when their kids die of an illness that was easily treatable they get shocked they died.

Please stop spreading this stupidity, and protect yourself, so not only you can have fun for longer, but others can too.
This is a terrible and uninformative post. Everything you stated is all based on unfounded speculation.

In addition to your Conspiracy Theory 101, you claim that you use public CID's but don't use PSN Patch; Only PS Ninja and Debug? First of all, PSNinja was rendered obsolete in 2015. It doesn't do anything to protect you anymore. The developer (******) said so themselves, and it's listed on the home-brew store. And not sure what you expect Rebug to do, but it doesn't spoof your IDPS, it helps by enabling you to go back to CEX to go online.

The reason CID's get banned so quickly now, is because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU That refuse to use CID spoofers and think they know what they're doing.

PSN Patch and SEN enabler don't steal your Console ID they spoof it so your IDPS doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. PUBLIC CID'S used to last months with hundreds of people using them. But There are people like you that think they are geniuses, are refuse to use basic protection, and end up getting the CID banned within a couple hours for the rest of us.

Infact, since you're using PUBLIC CID's why are you even worried about people stealing your CID?????? LITERALLY HUNDRED OF PEOPLE ARE USING THE SAME CID AS YOU!!!

You remind me of those people that refuse to vaccinate their kids because they're afraid they'll get autism, but when their kids die of an illness that was easily treatable they get shocked they died.

Please stop spreading this stupidity, and protect yourself, so not only you can have fun for longer, but others can too.
It’s not just that people aren’t using psn patch sen enabler etc it’s because there are hundreds of ips on one CID which mean It would get banned quicker because if Sony detect More than one ip on one CID they ban it and also Sony are mods on these console ID forums so yeah when they see the CID they ban it
i don't get it, i have been telling to everyone and i have been using this method myself, but nobody wants to listen. I have been playing with the same private CID that i bought from a retailer in 2016. Now there is this program which spoofs your CID every 30seconds while playing online, and not only that but you also can spoof it to other regions. Have you ever played CS:GO? Have you ever encountered a hacker? Have you ever noticed that when you were trying to report him, his name would change rapidly and therefore the game would throw an error that this user cannot be found? I think the same happens by using this software. And i only use PSNinja and a spoofer to spoof my ps3 version in order to use CCAPI (is needed for this software to work) and keep playing online. If you are interested, i will post a video to one of my youtube videos on how to get it working. Also, if it doesn't work, pm me or reply to this post. Since this software has been left behind by it's original devs, you will also need to replace some ccapi libraries on the software. If i get a handful of support request i will make another updated video.

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