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Problem fixed. My blue ray ribbon cable clip was broke so i used a soldering iron to melt the piece on holding the clip in place.
before it would get to 65% and fail.
So im stuck on 3.55.4 rebug because i downgraded cause ferrox is shit fw. so now im stuck cause everytime i try to update it says corrupted data. any thoughts or help?
Hey guys so i recently decided to fallow a tutorial on going from DEX to CEX because of the recent update.
I then tried to install Habibs 4.66v1.01 and it seemed to have put me on ofw. any help or why/how i can get off of this?
Hey guys. Got a problem.
My boss thinks its okay to make me miss my thanks giving dinner for what would be the third year in a row. I dont mind working the 8 hours, but the problem is, he declined to give me and my co worker any additional benefits. Although it is legal to do this, moraly it...
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