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Search results

  1. TotalModzHD

    PS3 Help with getting tac insertions in a class

    So I'm sure you know that Ghosts has removed the ability to add tactical insertions to classes, the only time you can use them is when playing Infected, which is kinda dumb. I wanted to find the offset for the tactical equipment section of class 1 (I can sort the intervals out myself :p) and the...
  2. TotalModzHD

    PS4 rumoured jailbreak?

    OK I know what you're thinking "OH THIS IS BULLSHIT OMGERD TOTAL I R8 -8/8 M8" and yes you are probably right, but just read before posting anything please :) Also I take no credit for this, all credits go to Arthanis at wololo.net Finally, if you are interested you can look at their facebook...
  3. TotalModzHD

    Taxi Driver A.I. Challenge

    So I was looking through imgur and I found this pretty funny A.I challenge :) Remember to leave a like if you enjoyed :D
  4. TotalModzHD

    Spoofers no longer work!

    As of today, spoofers will no longer let you connect to PSN. Even if you are on DEX and you didn't need to be spoofed to the latest version, you will not be able to access PSN. A temporary fix is to convert back to CEX if you are on DEX and install Habib 4.66. But even after this, you will not...
  5. TotalModzHD

    ZackFairFF7X Is Illuminati

    Hello m8, it's Total the loomynarty slayer here Δ Today I am going to prove that Zack is illuminati all along :stare: so let's get started. Zack rhymes with Shack, according to RhymeZone: Let's look at 'shack' on Google images. Can't see it? Ok, I will make it easier for you to see...
  6. TotalModzHD


    UPDATE: If you get a 'DevExpress trial expired' message when using this, Astek is going to fix this soon. When he does, I'll leak the file again onto this thread Hey guys, Here is Astek's new ghosts tool that was posted in NGU Elite. I am leaking it because Astek said that this tool was FREE...
  7. TotalModzHD

    ADVANCED WARFARE 1.04 | NGU Elite Tool

    Since this was in NGU Elite and it looks awesome, I thought I would release it to the public. WARNING: Anti Ban does NOT work, I recommend using another tool for the Anti Ban, and then attaching this one Welcome Aimbot All Client Grid NGU Exclusive Theme More Pictures: Download...
  8. TotalModzHD

    How to get stats to stick

    1. Load up Advanced warfare sign in and fetch your online multiplayer profile. 2. Once loaded used this tool: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3w9qu5l7c13fxrc/Advanced Warfare 1.05 Stats RTM Tool.rar Virus Scan...
  9. TotalModzHD

    is this possible?

    hi guys, just wondering if it would be possible to make a console id generator that generates an id, talks to sony's servers, and then interprets the response and determine whether the id is banned or not. because then you could just leave your computer on overnight and generate a few valid...
  10. TotalModzHD

    How to convert a full game region to another

    All credits go to snkysnake at ps3gameroom for writing this thread This Guide will show you how to convert from BLES to BLUS or BLUS to BLES: Always keep in mind when modifying files to make copies of the original files and add the extension " .BAK " just in case you wanna go back to your...
  11. TotalModzHD

    Banned Console ID #1618

  12. TotalModzHD

    Banned Console ID #1436

    Let me know when the ID gets banned on GTA, Ghosts and PSN Credits: Syst3m
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