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  1. M

    [PS3] Multiman 4.85 available exclusively

    Our friend Louay informs us that he worked on Multiman to adapt it to custom firmware 4.85 Of course, it started from the previous version of Multiman by adding support for CFW 4.85, the original sources being owned by Deank.
  2. Matteo900!

    Banned Console ID #8158

    CID : PSID: 3567EA145F1031FFCEEA22D61B7B7A92 Credits : BasTMafia Have Fun Guys ♥️
  3. M

    Sony releases the official firmware 4.85 for the PS3

    Our friend Sunriseur Sendel informs us that Sony has also released a new official firmware for the PlayStation 3. As for the 3DS, this update certainly aims to meet the new European directives that come into force on September 12, 2019. Of course, new firmware requires, we must not update...
  4. Ewaohproductions


    :dancingguy: ! ZIRCON V1.5 SPRX MOD MENU ! :dancingguy: :pap:ZIRCON PATCH NOTES:pap: :dance:HOW TO INSTALL ZIRCON V1.5 SPRX MOD MENU :dance: ZIRCON V1.5 LIVE GAME {EwoahProductions}:ooo: :comeatme:CREATED BY @WIZIMODZ {YOUTUBE.COM/WIZIMODZ:comeatme: :camel:ZIRCON...
  5. cr4zy4

    Repele Reborn Offhost RTM (Source Code!)

    CCAPI 2.80 | PS3 | RTM | MW2 | OPEN-SOURCE | NON-HOST + HOST + INFECTION OPTIONS So this is a rtm that i use myself and coded myself but i thought i'd release it. The download is a ZIP file that contains both the executable and C# sourcecode. It uses ccapi 2.80 (Latest) and is based around...
  6. BM|T-Jamie

    UDK - Free Game Engine for PS3 and Xbox 360

    1- WHAT IS UDK ULTIMATE? This is a modified version of EPIC`s UDK (Unreal Development Kit) Game Engine which supports exporting your game for XBOX360/PS3/PC WITHOUT the need to be a Registered Game Developer for Sony (Playstation) or Microsoft (XBOX360), something that a LOT of folks always...
  7. BM|T-Jamie

    PS3 Elite Bot Non-Host Menu Final Update [DEX/SPRX]

    MUST BE ON DEX Must use 720p or menu will not display properly!
  8. cr4zy4

    [QUESTION] modders non-host kick other players?

    I have a question. How are other modders kicking other players when they aren't host? I've looked around for an answer and a code but haven't seen anyone mention it. Does someone have a c# code for it? cos it's a really interesting thing
  9. BM|T-Jamie

    Red Dead Redemption - Trainer/Mod Menu [BLES/BLUS]

    Credits jedijosh920 for creation XBLToothPik for his "SC-CL High-Level Script Compiler" (RDR XSC/CSC Scripts) and "AreDeAre xPlorer 2" (RDR RPF Editor)
  10. Cecil2016_Gaming

    I Mod GTA V & Fix Disabled Accounts For Free!

    HMU @ PSN=MODcecil2016 Discord=Cecil2016_Gaming#0756 Twitter=@Cecil2016Gaming
  11. Loris Console


    Aujourd'hui , Je vous partage mon dernier PKG BlackOps2 Qui ma demander 96h Complet de travail Avec mes pauses J'ai tout tester au deux fois j'ai vérifier les sources : PKG Info : Jeu : BlackOps2 Code Région : BLES01717 Support CEX : Oui Support DEX : Oui Version Du PKG : 1.0 //5 SPRX...
  12. S

    MW3 help? Is there any hope for me?

    Last night, I encountered an entire party who decided to hack my account and not only deranked me but also set my XP to negative. I don't have a jailbroken PS3 and I don't know of anyone who can help me fix this mess. I loved playing MW3 even though it took forever to get into a lobby. The...
  13. crlo

    Mini PSN Ball Pack

  14. M

    webMAN MOD 1.47.23 available

    The developer Aldostools has just uploaded a new version of its webman plugin MOD which is v1.47.23. The goal is always to improve the user experience via CFW or via PS3HEN. In this update there was a fix for the few black screen problems on homebrews that were launched during the content...
  15. M

    PS3HEN v2.2.2 available

    And here is the sixth update of PS3HEN since version 2.0. Once again esc0rtd3w and his band whose Joonie Team Rebug offers corrections on the PS3HEN that will mark the history of the PS3 since today is the only solution to load payloads on the original firmware 4.82 and the firmware 4.84 hybrid...
  16. M

    HENBrew Store NEW

    If you find that the current store proposed for the PlayStation 3 HEN is too limited, here is a new store comes under the name of HENBrew Store initiated by the developer ShaolinAssassin. As a reminder, ShalinAssassin is at the origin of Han Toolbox, its application HENBrew Store allows to...
  17. M

    Working webMAN Mod v1.47.22 available

    Aldostools, Aldo Vargas, is back on the front of the PlayStation 3 scene with a new version of webMAN Mod which is now updated to v1.47.22. webMAN Mod is still the best PS3 plugin developed by Deank, which allows to launch PS3, PS2, PS1, PSP games backups as well as Blu-ray or DVD, stored on...
  18. M

    MultiMAN, ManaGunZ and IRISMAN updated

    thanks to the discovery of a bug by Joonie in the editing of games in the PS3HEN user backup manager from an NTFS external hard drive, the bug of an immediate shutdown of the console, the 3 most senior managers popular multiMAN, ManaGunZ and IRISMAN have been updated. These new versions are...
  19. F


    Hi, so I've encountered a problem with my CEX 4.84 ps3. When I try to login into the Sony network on my ps3, it still displays that the console is banned even after I changed the CID to a working one. I'm currently using ccapi to change the CID. Is their any solutions to this? Should I downgrade...
  20. marioss77

    help me to get online

    hello everyone i am new to all this and i wann know how to sing in to psn and play normal online games on my jailbroken ps3.Now i hane 4.84 cex and i have seen some spoof programs or psninja but i don't know if i have to use them.
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