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[List] Global Black-List/Abusers [XBOX] [PS3]

Aidable seems alright in some ways, although there was one time I was in a game with him during when I was attempting to make protection for the black screen, one part anyway ;) and it popped up on my screen with his name, don't know if that's because he tried something else though.
Aidable does abuse admin, he sends me back to single player alot, an disables my menu then blows me up, also makes my player dance an glitch
Lmao, I haven't played GTA in weeks and defo do not abuse anything I have.

@KillerLuke: Yes I froze you reason? You're or were an abusive little shit that froze a ton of my friends and myself in the past I left you alone but you started blowing people up so I froze you simple as.

@StuartB: I've seen you in a lot of games always been chill with you since I was Mickeyb don't have a clue why my name poped up but I remember you telling me something about it.

@Inquitions: You're in no position to talk about abusers when you yourself are the biggest I know. Even your friends (Indulgence) said you were an abuser so don't start talking smack on here kiddo.
Lmao, I haven't played GTA in weeks and defo do not abuse anything I have.

@KillerLuke: Yes I froze you reason? You're or were an abusive little shit that froze a ton of my friends and myself in the past I left you alone but you started blowing people up so I froze you simple as.

@StuartB: I've seen you in a lot of games always been chill with you since I was Mickeyb don't have a clue why my name poped up but I remember you telling me something about it.

@Inquitions: You're in no position to talk about abusers when you yourself are the biggest I know. Even your friends (Indulgence) said you were an abuser so don't start talking smack on here kiddo.

Bro seriously? Everyone who knows me knows I am not an abuser. Ask ur bud @StuartB . Had a conversation with him not long ago. Everyone I talk to says, "oh, you not actually an abuser like they say". With you, its the opposite. I hear countlessly that you come in and reign terror on people. You are using some of the best mods, which have been rolled out to you on a golden platter, which you have no idea how they work. I am an abuser to abusers, since you are an abuser, of course you would think I am. Everybody who isn't an abuser, likes me. Can't say the same for you, some of the most innocent people on GTA have problems with you. And come on, is it really THAT hard to pronounce/spell my name. Inquitions.. Really? I know you are thick in the head but come on.
Lmao, I haven't played GTA in weeks and defo do not abuse anything I have.

@KillerLuke: Yes I froze you reason? You're or were an abusive little shit that froze a ton of my friends and myself in the past I left you alone but you started blowing people up so I froze you simple as.

@StuartB: I've seen you in a lot of games always been chill with you since I was Mickeyb don't have a clue why my name poped up but I remember you telling me something about it.

@Inquitions: You're in no position to talk about abusers when you yourself are the biggest I know. Even your friends (Indulgence) said you were an abuser so don't start talking smack on here kiddo.
When the f u c k did I say he was an abuser? I said he freezes abusers, and so do I? Stop twisting my words around. You yourself admitted to abusing, but you said you aimed it at abusers, much like we do. I'm not inclined to agree whether or not you do or don't abuse people with admin, but I've heard some stories.
When the f u c k did I say he was an abuser? I said he freezes abusers, and so do I? Stop twisting my words around. You yourself admitted to abusing, but you said you aimed it at abusers, much like we do. I'm not inclined to agree whether or not you do or don't abuse people with admin, but I've heard some stories.
Alright. I'll jump on my Aidable account tomorrow and screen shot that convo we had about abusing and abusers.

I'll say or type your gay ass name how ever I like cause I'm pretty sure when I returned to GTA as o Mickeyb o the first encounter we had was you freezing me then talking shit to me then disconnecting and being my ***** till you got super admin or whatever shit you have. I have proof of you abusing which devil has and much other shit to put you back in your place. I love how you're copying me with the whole abusing abusers lmao. You suck up to anyone higher than you aka why you're chill with Stuart then shit on everyone below you. I remember you freezing piloting lobbies because they wouldn't dog fight you and tellin people to leave the game or get froze 24/7 Idgaf about you or this topic but it's whatever if you wanna sit their and ***** cause I'm the only **** standing up to you go ahead. It has little to no affect on me. I don't even play 4 hence why my GT is on a silver lmao.
Alright. I'll jump on my Aidable account tomorrow and screen shot that convo we had about abusing and abusers.

I'll say or type your gay ass name how ever I like cause I'm pretty sure when I returned to GTA as o Mickeyb o the first encounter we had was you freezing me then talking shit to me then disconnecting and being my ***** till you got super admin or whatever shit you have. I have proof of you abusing which devil has and much other shit to put you back in your place. I love how you're copying me with the whole abusing abusers lmao. You suck up to anyone higher than you aka why you're chill with Stuart then shit on everyone below you. I remember you freezing piloting lobbies because they wouldn't dog fight you and tellin people to leave the game or get froze 24/7 Idgaf about you or this topic but it's whatever if you wanna sit their and ***** cause I'm the only **** standing up to you go ahead. It has little to no affect on me. I don't even play 4 hence why my GT is on a silver lmao.
I was going to write out a proper reply.. But I honestly can't even believe half the shit you wrote.. Unbelievable.. + I have never once ever wanted to dogfight someone.. You are just mad :p

I too, am done with this conversation. I'm not going to let you drag me down to your level of stupidity, and beat me with experience. Also, I just read I was your *****? Umm.... Sure, whatever helps you get through the day. But in reality, I will always be better than you in. Every. Single. Way. Possible.
I was going to write out a proper reply.. But I honestly can't even believe half the shit you wrote.. Unbelievable.. + I have never once ever wanted to dogfight someone.. You are just mad :p

I too, am done with this conversation. I'm not going to let you drag me down to your level of stupidity, and beat me with experience. Also, I just read I was your *****? Umm.... Sure, whatever helps you get through the day. But in reality, I will always be better than you in. Every. Single. Way. Possible.
Thanks for proving my point, Ill refer to "I will always be better then you in. Every. Single. Way.

That's your problem, You always want to be the best that's why you abuse the hell out of Devils mods yes Devils mods not yours. You attack other Admins/Premium members in the hope they will respect you and fall to their knees you're just mad that i ain't dumb enough to follow you lmao. As for abuse, If people don't want to believe me then ill just holla at them with some proof.

Proof 1: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=fve0pk&s=9#.VyiLYr5dKnM

Freezing me/people with Model Freeze while you're in SNG and while i was helping XN Terror who asks me to join his game to test some stuff as he just purchased admin.

Proof 2: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2drt2ea&s=9#.VyiLmb5dKnM

I had only just connected to the game when you teleported on me yet again with your Model Freeze in SNG.

You're literally the dumbest **** going and i can't wait for the day that someone with more time on their hands then me puts you back into them MW2 lobbies.
Thanks for proving my point, Ill refer to "I will always be better then you in. Every. Single. Way.

That's your problem, You always want to be the best that's why you abuse the hell out of Devils mods yes Devils mods not yours. You attack other Admins/Premium members in the hope they will respect you and fall to their knees you're just mad that i ain't dumb enough to follow you lmao. As for abuse, If people don't want to believe me then ill just holla at them with some proof.

Proof 1: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=fve0pk&s=9#.VyiLYr5dKnM

Freezing me/people with Model Freeze while you're in SNG and while i was helping XN Terror who asks me to join his game to test some stuff as he just purchased admin.

Proof 2: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2drt2ea&s=9#.VyiLmb5dKnM

I had only just connected to the game when you teleported on me yet again with your Model Freeze in SNG.

You're literally the dumbest **** going and i can't wait for the day that someone with more time on their hands then me puts you back into them MW2 lobbies.
You couldn't be more wrong about everything you said. Yeah, I Niko you every time I see you. I had ghost and blackscreen long before Devil gave me V11. Me and him worked together to make it better and provide it to a wider audience. You on the other hand, had nothing before you started kissing devils ass. I freeze you with my menu, you are whitelisted on MD. I can code better than you can speak English. The only MD user I attack is you. Devil has provided some great mods for people who can't make their own, unfortunately, people like you take advantage of our work, and abuse it. You are so ignorant, and have no idea what you are talking about. You are just making yourself look like an idiot at this point. That is far from proof I abuse. That's showing I freeze you. Which I have NEVER denied.
You couldn't be more wrong about everything you said. Yeah, I Niko you every time I see you. I had ghost and blackscreen long before Devil gave me V11. Me and him worked together to make it better and provide it to a wider audience. You on the other hand, had nothing before you started kissing devils ass. I freeze you with my menu, you are whitelisted on MD. I can code better than you can speak English. The only MD user I attack is you. Devil has provided some great mods for people who can't make their own, unfortunately, people like you take advantage of our work, and abuse it. You are so ignorant, and have no idea what you are talking about. You are just making yourself look like an idiot at this point. That is far from proof I abuse. That's showing I freeze you. Which I have NEVER denied.
Define Abuse (use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.) You use Ghost which you didn't make and Blackscreen which you didn't make to harm others. I cannot freeze you, I cannot harm you, I don't even contact you yet you use these methods on me and my friends because we do not follow you like sheep, Tbh you're **** all too me all i need to do is boot up my laptop and hold your dead beat ass offline like i have done many times before aka the reason you were sucking my dick when i was o Mickeyb o. I believe Admins should be people who enjoy the game and like playing it for what it is now, If that was you you wouldn't have deleted every car just to stop yourself getting froze. I have the ability to delete all my vehicles but do i? No, Cause i don't care if someone freezes me I'm not a hungry power kid that goes around demanding people to play by my rules of leave the game.

You're a joke, I was speaking to you the other month when you were (Attempting) to code objects into a menu source lmao. I don't code never have done I just chill. Now simmer down kid, Before you piss me off. Hell ill come on with XMC V4 and still fight your ***** ass. You're an overpowered kid that has clearly had some real life abuse and you feel the need to take it out on people that play GTA.

I'm going to eat my pizza, So don't the need to reply to soon :)
You couldn't be more wrong about everything you said. Yeah, I Niko you every time I see you. I had ghost and blackscreen long before Devil gave me V11. Me and him worked together to make it better and provide it to a wider audience. You on the other hand, had nothing before you started kissing devils ass. I freeze you with my menu, you are whitelisted on MD. I can code better than you can speak English. The only MD user I attack is you. Devil has provided some great mods for people who can't make their own, unfortunately, people like you take advantage of our work, and abuse it. You are so ignorant, and have no idea what you are talking about. You are just making yourself look like an idiot at this point. That is far from proof I abuse. That's showing I freeze you. Which I have NEVER denied.
Hmmm, guys..why dont u call a truce ? Inky(inquisition) is indeed a coder and has been chosen by me to run superadmin on xbox. He has a crappy ghost before so i delivered a lot better so hes able to use it properly. I do believe he only "abuses"(wrong word cus he terminates) those that abuse my mods, on the other hand i also believe aideble is one of those modders that will encourage fun use of mods and support the modders doing that but somewhere along the line u both went in the wrong pumping all out of ur mods to 'terminate' eachother.
We can go on with this conversation and u will always find support for one or the other, it just depends on how u look on it.
Main thing here is that the mods are made TO CREATE FUN and make the game last for 'EVERYONE' not only the modders. They were also made to get rid of abusers.
I think in this case if u 2 call a truce and try to respect eachother, this would make the game go forward for everyone, cus what u do now is attack eachother and the innocents get hit along --> is that what we want ?

Inquisition has officially stepped into MD developers team now and will help to bring out V12 wich is not me alone, it will contain devs as Shockwave, Stormshouts, Inquisition and me to bring u even better, even more stable and even more quality mods to aim for what we all want :
GTA4 is not dead, we are doing all to make it last aslong possible and bring fun and relax gaming for everyone playing it.

Im not choosing sides in this one, i think ur both in the wrong dragging this into these forums.

Thats my oppinion on this.

@_Aidable I agree with devils points. I want to end it here Aidable. But there are 2 things you have very wrong. You may private message me about these things so we may work it out. But for one I never "sucked your dick". We got a long for a while yes. And 2, I never tried to code objects into a menu? I am not sure what you mean. You showed me some stuff you stole from Rev, and I showed you some stuff I made. We were fine until I started hearing about you abusing, and I am sure you heard about me abusing. Like Devil said, we were both fighting each other. I have a dynamic IP, so you have never held me offline. I have no rules, well, dont be a dick. I am only pissed off because you think I just leech off Devil. Considering Devil has addressed that in his previous comment ^^. I will not. I'm not going to sit here and let you post things that simply are not true. If you want to talk to me, and quit posting lies, and demanding me to stop freezing people with stolen ghost (zander), we wont have a problem. I admit I am a lot of things, not a saint, but I am not a liar. I will not deny comments that are true. I am a reasonable person when you come off in a respectful way.
@_Aidable I agree with devils points. I want to end it here Aidable. But there are 2 things you have very wrong. You may private message me about these things so we may work it out. But for one I never "sucked your dick". We got a long for a while yes. And 2, I never tried to code objects into a menu? I am not sure what you mean. You showed me some stuff you stole from Rev, and I showed you some stuff I made. We were fine until I started hearing about you abusing, and I am sure you heard about me abusing. Like Devil said, we were both fighting each other. I have a dynamic IP, so you have never held me offline. I have no rules, well, dont be a dick. I am only pissed off because you think I just leech off Devil. Considering Devil has addressed that in his previous comment ^^. I will not. I'm not going to sit here and let you post things that simply are not true. If you want to talk to me, and quit posting lies, and demanding me to stop freezing people with stolen ghost (zander), we wont have a problem. I admit I am a lot of things, not a saint, but I am not a liar. I will not deny comments that are true. I am a reasonable person when you come off in a respectful way.
Respect is earned not given the first time I met you you froze me and Zander which is the reason he goes ghost most games to avoid getting froze. He has two Accounts in a lobby one in ghost one playing legit Zander is far from an abuser.

Regarding Rev I never stole anything from him he was helping me with something and put his menu in my loader and even still all his menu did was freeze 24/7. Every seen anyone with revs menu that I "stole" from him? Nah. Well yeah whatever I'm done here I'm always chill just don't like people spreading shit about me.

@KING: The the reason I froze you is because you're an abusive little shit when I was chilling with Premium you were fucking with him for no reason.

But yeah it's all sweet.
Respect is earned not given the first time I met you you froze me and Zander which is the reason he goes ghost most games to avoid getting froze. He has two Accounts in a lobby one in ghost one playing legit Zander is far from an abuser.

Regarding Rev I never stole anything from him he was helping me with something and put his menu in my loader and even still all his menu did was freeze 24/7. Every seen anyone with revs menu that I "stole" from him? Nah. Well yeah whatever I'm done here I'm always chill just don't like people spreading shit about me.

@KING: The the reason I froze you is because you're an abusive little shit when I was chilling with Premium you were fucking with him for no reason.

But yeah it's all sweet.
Your shit without mods lmao even when you had no mods you boot me offline when i smack you stupid mug gtfo you got admin cause your shit, inq is way more better at handling admin mods then you.
@l Inquisition l doesn't abuse his mods, when he spoke to me I totally understand where he comes from and how annoying it is to come across "modders" who just abuse mods constantly annoying other people when all they've done is just download mods (or even worse buy a disc) and have no idea how it works. In my opinion, admin shouldn't have been sold, only the people who helped with the menu should have access to it. When I had admin for multiple menus, it was because I helped the old script coders such as Chrome x Modz, Nayjames, Emmanuel, IIV NATHAN VII via testing and fixing problems.

And now people are running around with a leaked version of MD using black screen and super ghost, smh it's honestly pathetic.

So yeah, I wouldn't use the word "abuse" for Inquisition, even though he could have handled it abit better, could have talked to me first.
Aidable is right tbh... Inquisition is the biggest faggot on xbox always freezing games and black screening people.
Unfortunately I do not have the message you sent me. You were extremely abusive to me, for no reason at all. Huge outbursts for no reason. So yes. I have frozen you in the past for the messages you have sent me. You cant expect to send someone that messages you sent me, and them just be ok with it, thats not reality.
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