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Come on, let's start to say the truth that older people like me know and understand easy: This and everything people write it's fake and only created to make fishes and kids to buy private cids (that sellers will ban to make yall buy again), money for premium accounts on websites, mod menus and mod loaders to pay for bully fat kids that got no life and other tricks and $ony make money with this things too. So, i modded my PS3 in 2017, when online was dead and i bought the fist PS3 in 2007, making great world reults on many online games, so, i only use PS3 to play offline games and take trophies now, until PS5 will be released, because ps4 has been the worse Playstation ever (THIS IS FOR THE...... FISH GENERATION), so fu.k business about cids. Get out and live the life. Games and everything is dead many years ago. PS1, PS2 and PS3 until 2010, then end. Real players with knowledge know this things. Wake up youngers.
Come on, let's start to say the truth that older people like me know and understand easy: This and everything people write it's fake and only created to make fishes and kids to buy private cids (that sellers will ban to make yall buy again), money for premium accounts on websites, mod menus and mod loaders to pay for bully fat kids that got no life and other tricks and $ony make money with this things too. So, i modded my PS3 in 2017, when online was dead and i bought the fist PS3 in 2007, making great world reults on many online games, so, i only use PS3 to play offline games and take trophies now, until PS5 will be released, because ps4 has been the worse Playstation ever (THIS IS FOR THE...... FISH GENERATION), so fu.k business about cids. Get out and live the life. Games and everything is dead many years ago. PS1, PS2 and PS3 until 2010, then end. Real players with knowledge know this things. Wake up youngers.
thats pretty sad,
games died in 2012-2016 maximum if not then 2014,
why did you come onto my post just to say that stuff, i never asked for your oppinion.
but if thats how you feel then get of this site, this site is made more for modding
you didnt make alot of sense for a older preson.
and no there is very big sellers out there that are trusted but most are fake i have been scammed 3 times and never bought a cid because they all scammed me.
and no they will not ban for no reason to make money. what if its their last ine? just ban for jokes right? and a seller cant ban it unless he shares it with others. you dont know alot.
so dont come on my post saying this stuff!
Come on, let's start to say the truth that older people like me know and understand easy: This and everything people write it's fake and only created to make fishes and kids to buy private cids (that sellers will ban to make yall buy again), money for premium accounts on websites, mod menus and mod loaders to pay for bully fat kids that got no life and other tricks and $ony make money with this things too. So, i modded my PS3 in 2017, when online was dead and i bought the fist PS3 in 2007, making great world reults on many online games, so, i only use PS3 to play offline games and take trophies now, until PS5 will be released, because ps4 has been the worse Playstation ever (THIS IS FOR THE...... FISH GENERATION), so fu.k business about cids. Get out and live the life. Games and everything is dead many years ago. PS1, PS2 and PS3 until 2010, then end. Real players with knowledge know this things. Wake up youngers.
bro you are after trying a cid like today and douglas even sent you one and you here mad and raging cos you banned, you might have offline games but for an old person you are pretty imature. raging for a cid hehe buy one if your old you should be working and have moeny and a credit card.. get your ass on the internet and buy one stop comming on my post thinking that its the younger fat peoples fault, bet your fat yourself.
bro you are after trying a cid like today and douglas even sent you one and you here mad and raging cos you banned, you might have offline games but for an old person you are pretty imature. raging for a cid hehe buy one if your old you should be working and have moeny and a credit card.. get your ass on the internet and buy one stop comming on my post thinking that its the younger fat peoples fault, bet your fat yourself.
Hey, i comment when i wont and i am free to express my opinion. First i work everydy, second i bought private cids three times and i know that they are worms that soonn or later will ban the cid to make people buy more, so, i only use cids to sincronize trophies because online is dead on PS3 and full of kids. So, think and learn to understand well what a person write. Then, i'm not the first to think that this youngers are the worse generation and the fault of banned cids, but there is someone that ban cids on websites too to make buy premium and if you don't know this things start to learn instead live on forums and useless social networks or whatever on internet. Third thing,i allways practiced sports, i'm a musical artist and i got muscles instead fat (anyway i respect fat people, but not nerds all day eating trash and with no life, allways on games and social garbage). After this, you can reply when you want, but you has been putted ko on everything you wrote. Grow up and start using your brain better. Plus, don't use that bully language, you willnever impress great mans like me. Happy future! OUT.
So you are probably wondering why you get banned so easily (On A Public Console ID*)
well i got the answer for you! ;)

First, Click the "Like" button so i can get likes cause 9* is pretty Embarrassing.. :(
And if you cant see the 2 Spoilers under this, Then you have to scroll up and click on sign up or login to an existing account.
Once you do so you can go down there and click both of the spoilers which will
provide you with the reasoning to why you get banned faster then lightning and how to prevent it!

few of my friends work for sony and so they told me the following:
So Sony has been upgrading,
they have been getting bots to ban automatically,
before they started to upgrade i dont know if they had bots but it sure was
easier to sign in and play the games you enjoy the most easily.
So what i mean is sony has been getting more bots, stronger ones and better.
they ban automatically because now they are on ps4 and the employees are manually banning on ps4
so what i mean by manually and automatically is that sony has been installing robots on the playstation 3
to ban modders and what not and on the playstation 4 there might not be as
much bots like on the playstation 3, so they get real humans to ban people. manually using their computer.

I myself have another source which i have no proof of but i believe its true.
so there is a rumour possibly going around about PSNPatch (The homebrew)
people say its a CID stealer and i personally believe in it so i stay far away from it.
PSNinja and rebug toolbox is enough for signing in.
but of course like everyone knows if you use homebrews online and webman and what not, you should know
that there is a bigger chance of you getting banned.
and since there is tons of people on this website a day on console IDS then there is a big chance you will get banned!
get a cid its not gonna last long with loads of people on it.
no matter if you have experience with Jailbroken Consoles or not.
there is no reason to blame others.
Currently if you didnt understand what i meant by this whole reasoning then to summerise it,
basicically sony is killing us with continous ban waves.#
this has been going on for almost 2x months now!

Of course everyone knows that if you get a private console id you will automatically prevent it.
but the only problems with that is,
3.where to get them?

so what you could do is sign in to PSN using PSNinja and Rebug toolbox if you are on DEX/R-REX if you are on CEX/REX then i think
you just use PSNinja tho i dunno why you would be on CEX/REX.
Note that if you have Just a PSID/CID it wont last as long as a Console ID with a CID/PSID and a SSID.
the SSID helps and makes it harder to get banned
also make sure to clear your history by going into the playstaion 3 browser and click Triangle and one of the few columns in the top first 5 and then at the
bottom you should see clear cache and things like that* (there shall be 5 things you can clear there or 4 but im almost positive its 5)
disabling webman helps with the ban wave and preventing it if you arent on Rebug Lite/New Version of Rebug.

sony closes on the weekends so athough you might not always be able to sign in on the weekdays/from monday to friday
for a long time then just know my biggest secret,
SONY IS CLOSED ON THE WEEKENDS (SAT-SUN) so therefore there bots will be shut down and not overheat or i dunno what they do
for all i care but the reason it is good they close on weekends is because then you can sign in without even breaking your
hand punching a wall out of anger from the one message you get
from playstation of you being temporarly banned! ;)
so on the weekends if you can manage to stay online for 42 Hours/2 straight days then thank me later and dont forget dont stay up too late for all you people that still go
to school, you will be dead on monday if you dont go to bed on Sunday from playing too much! i warned you! ;)

So those are some reasons why you might be banned and how you shall prevent it without paying for a CID or using
money at all :)
Enjoy hope this helped

if you learnt anything on this post or what not please give me a "like" so i can make my Grandma happy and proud! ;)
Thank you Please leave your responses or anything i can correct i am pretty sure i made a few typos in there point it out
embarass me as much as possible! ;)
You sleep asf Psn patch does not have a cid stealer. I have been using the same cid for 6 years now, it’s my original cid never purchased one. All you have to do is disable the auto sign in, run pan patch disable cylicles
So you are probably wondering why you get banned so easily (On A Public Console ID*)
well i got the answer for you! ;)

First, Click the "Like" button so i can get likes cause 9* is pretty Embarrassing.. :(
And if you cant see the 2 Spoilers under this, Then you have to scroll up and click on sign up or login to an existing account.
Once you do so you can go down there and click both of the spoilers which will
provide you with the reasoning to why you get banned faster then lightning and how to prevent it!

few of my friends work for sony and so they told me the following:
So Sony has been upgrading,
they have been getting bots to ban automatically,
before they started to upgrade i dont know if they had bots but it sure was
easier to sign in and play the games you enjoy the most easily.
So what i mean is sony has been getting more bots, stronger ones and better.
they ban automatically because now they are on ps4 and the employees are manually banning on ps4
so what i mean by manually and automatically is that sony has been installing robots on the playstation 3
to ban modders and what not and on the playstation 4 there might not be as
much bots like on the playstation 3, so they get real humans to ban people. manually using their computer.

I myself have another source which i have no proof of but i believe its true.
so there is a rumour possibly going around about PSNPatch (The homebrew)
people say its a CID stealer and i personally believe in it so i stay far away from it.
PSNinja and rebug toolbox is enough for signing in.
but of course like everyone knows if you use homebrews online and webman and what not, you should know
that there is a bigger chance of you getting banned.
and since there is tons of people on this website a day on console IDS then there is a big chance you will get banned!
get a cid its not gonna last long with loads of people on it.
no matter if you have experience with Jailbroken Consoles or not.
there is no reason to blame others.
Currently if you didnt understand what i meant by this whole reasoning then to summerise it,
basicically sony is killing us with continous ban waves.#
this has been going on for almost 2x months now!

Of course everyone knows that if you get a private console id you will automatically prevent it.
but the only problems with that is,
3.where to get them?

so what you could do is sign in to PSN using PSNinja and Rebug toolbox if you are on DEX/R-REX if you are on CEX/REX then i think
you just use PSNinja tho i dunno why you would be on CEX/REX.
Note that if you have Just a PSID/CID it wont last as long as a Console ID with a CID/PSID and a SSID.
the SSID helps and makes it harder to get banned
also make sure to clear your history by going into the playstaion 3 browser and click Triangle and one of the few columns in the top first 5 and then at the
bottom you should see clear cache and things like that* (there shall be 5 things you can clear there or 4 but im almost positive its 5)
disabling webman helps with the ban wave and preventing it if you arent on Rebug Lite/New Version of Rebug.

sony closes on the weekends so athough you might not always be able to sign in on the weekdays/from monday to friday
for a long time then just know my biggest secret,
SONY IS CLOSED ON THE WEEKENDS (SAT-SUN) so therefore there bots will be shut down and not overheat or i dunno what they do
for all i care but the reason it is good they close on weekends is because then you can sign in without even breaking your
hand punching a wall out of anger from the one message you get
from playstation of you being temporarly banned! ;)
so on the weekends if you can manage to stay online for 42 Hours/2 straight days then thank me later and dont forget dont stay up too late for all you people that still go
to school, you will be dead on monday if you dont go to bed on Sunday from playing too much! i warned you! ;)

So those are some reasons why you might be banned and how you shall prevent it without paying for a CID or using
money at all :)
Enjoy hope this helped

if you learnt anything on this post or what not please give me a "like" so i can make my Grandma happy and proud! ;)
Thank you Please leave your responses or anything i can correct i am pretty sure i made a few typos in there point it out
embarass me as much as possible! ;)
bro gtfoh psn patch does not have a cid stealer. I have been using the same cid for 6 years. All you have to do is disable auto sign in, RUN PSN PATCH FIRST disable cyllacles or hit X on this controller, then run ps ninja. Load up whatever game and then go online. These people always run home brew online like noobies and try to run the ninja and erase history as if Sony can’t see the activity
So you are probably wondering why you get banned so easily (On A Public Console ID*)
well i got the answer for you! ;)

First, Click the "Like" button so i can get likes cause 9* is pretty Embarrassing.. :(
And if you cant see the 2 Spoilers under this, Then you have to scroll up and click on sign up or login to an existing account.
Once you do so you can go down there and click both of the spoilers which will
provide you with the reasoning to why you get banned faster then lightning and how to prevent it!

few of my friends work for sony and so they told me the following:
So Sony has been upgrading,
they have been getting bots to ban automatically,
before they started to upgrade i dont know if they had bots but it sure was
easier to sign in and play the games you enjoy the most easily.
So what i mean is sony has been getting more bots, stronger ones and better.
they ban automatically because now they are on ps4 and the employees are manually banning on ps4
so what i mean by manually and automatically is that sony has been installing robots on the playstation 3
to ban modders and what not and on the playstation 4 there might not be as
much bots like on the playstation 3, so they get real humans to ban people. manually using their computer.

I myself have another source which i have no proof of but i believe its true.
so there is a rumour possibly going around about PSNPatch (The homebrew)
people say its a CID stealer and i personally believe in it so i stay far away from it.
PSNinja and rebug toolbox is enough for signing in.
but of course like everyone knows if you use homebrews online and webman and what not, you should know
that there is a bigger chance of you getting banned.
and since there is tons of people on this website a day on console IDS then there is a big chance you will get banned!
get a cid its not gonna last long with loads of people on it.
no matter if you have experience with Jailbroken Consoles or not.
there is no reason to blame others.
Currently if you didnt understand what i meant by this whole reasoning then to summerise it,
basicically sony is killing us with continous ban waves.#
this has been going on for almost 2x months now!

Of course everyone knows that if you get a private console id you will automatically prevent it.
but the only problems with that is,
3.where to get them?

so what you could do is sign in to PSN using PSNinja and Rebug toolbox if you are on DEX/R-REX if you are on CEX/REX then i think
you just use PSNinja tho i dunno why you would be on CEX/REX.
Note that if you have Just a PSID/CID it wont last as long as a Console ID with a CID/PSID and a SSID.
the SSID helps and makes it harder to get banned
also make sure to clear your history by going into the playstaion 3 browser and click Triangle and one of the few columns in the top first 5 and then at the
bottom you should see clear cache and things like that* (there shall be 5 things you can clear there or 4 but im almost positive its 5)
disabling webman helps with the ban wave and preventing it if you arent on Rebug Lite/New Version of Rebug.

sony closes on the weekends so athough you might not always be able to sign in on the weekdays/from monday to friday
for a long time then just know my biggest secret,
SONY IS CLOSED ON THE WEEKENDS (SAT-SUN) so therefore there bots will be shut down and not overheat or i dunno what they do
for all i care but the reason it is good they close on weekends is because then you can sign in without even breaking your
hand punching a wall out of anger from the one message you get
from playstation of you being temporarly banned! ;)
so on the weekends if you can manage to stay online for 42 Hours/2 straight days then thank me later and dont forget dont stay up too late for all you people that still go
to school, you will be dead on monday if you dont go to bed on Sunday from playing too much! i warned you! ;)

So those are some reasons why you might be banned and how you shall prevent it without paying for a CID or using
money at all :)
Enjoy hope this helped

if you learnt anything on this post or what not please give me a "like" so i can make my Grandma happy and proud! ;)
Thank you Please leave your responses or anything i can correct i am pretty sure i made a few typos in there point it out
embarass me as much as possible! ;)
bro gtfoh. Psn patch does not have a cid stealer, I have been using the same cid for 6 years with psn patch and ps ninja. All you have to do is disable auto sign in and go black offline. It’s always the noobies that tries to launch homebrew while signed in trying to disable cyllacles or whatever thinking that’s fine... hell nawl. Tell these people all you have to do is boot up offline(disable auto sign in) and run pan patch and tap X on the controller. Then run ps ninja I select every option except for the one before the last one. and I don’t go online until I’m at the sign in option on what ever game I’m playing, also I use console manager and change my cod to 32 random numbers after I’m on the online servers on whatever game to ensure my cid won’t be banned from that specific game.
thats pretty sad,
games died in 2012-2016 maximum if not then 2014,
why did you come onto my post just to say that stuff, i never asked for your oppinion.
but if thats how you feel then get of this site, this site is made more for modding
you didnt make alot of sense for a older preson.
and no there is very big sellers out there that are trusted but most are fake i have been scammed 3 times and never bought a cid because they all scammed me.
and no they will not ban for no reason to make money. what if its their last ine? just ban for jokes right? and a seller cant ban it unless he shares it with others. you dont know alot.
so dont come on my post saying this stuff!
I already replied to your useless and ignorant person things on the last comment. I only say that YOU DON'T KNOW A LOT, because a seller can even put a cid on a PS3 and log in on PS Network without protections and BAN in few hours or few days, BIG GENIUS... I got no rage boy... I don't care, if there is a cid well, if not well, i play with many good offline games and taking trophies and THE DOUGLAS CID THAT HE GAVE TO ME IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE WAS ALREADY BANNED! (anyway i got nothing against Douglas, he is good to put many public cids) Plus, it's obvious for a person with a little of intelligence and experience on Sony bans that your title it's only to make views and likes. Ban waves... Pfft.. Be more original next time and your nickname speak for yourself, classic nerdy nickname. I don't offended you, but truth is truth and you know that much probably you are a classic nerd and as player since 1989 I CAN say really when games are died. 2014? Yeh, sure... I wrote 2010 and i added some year too. Ha ha.. For old players with passion for games, games has been destroyed after PS2, with all that high price dlc's, maps and games with nothing new, because kids that don't know the games evolution will like it the same, whatch games like Minecraft, a perfect example of what i wrote. Good eating and be happy and proud to be trapped by the system snakes. In fact, i did not bought the PS4 and i think games and consoles will be worse and the shady business in modding too will increase, like music, every form of art, sport, movies and everything, but the sad thing is that we from 80's know this things and what the future will be and people like you NOT. It's logic... staying everyday on forums and internet garbage, instead to read books and stay with real people with knowledge, what a person can know? Expecially youngers and i mean 14/25 years old warriors, genius with potatos generations, nomobile fobia robots and future world saviors. Don't worry, you don't know me, i got much experience and you are wrongn again. Reply when you want, i got my high level as person and artist and i don't need to get respect writing as a tryhard on a forum with people that i don't even know. END. You got a lot to learn dog... It's not my problem. I'm out, peace!
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It has nothing to do with sony and bots your partially right. It because all the rtm tool steal your shit almost everyone I decrypted had on. I have not been ban in 2 years when you use the rtm tool your cids get stolen then you get automatically ban because it more than on person on a cid the bot ban you as simple as that. Some of it comes from playing gta5 your going to get ban either way playing that game.
It has nothing to do with sony and bots your partially right. It because all the rtm tool steal your shit almost everyone I decrypted had on. I have not been ban in 2 years when you use the rtm tool your cids get stolen then you get automatically ban because it more than on person on a cid the bot ban you as simple as that. Some of it comes from playing gta5 your going to get ban either way playing that game.
Hello. Thanks. Not, it's not RTM, because if you see here, for example, every cid don't last not even two hours or less, so, there is not even time to steal a cid and sell it or use it by creators of RTM tools or mod menus or whatever. The fact is different, i already wrote it, in few words IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY. Play offline have fun and if you want to play online without problems, buy a new console and stay OFW (i mean with your console not modded), so you will play and wack people will make no money about cids and other things. I Modded my PS3 only because online games was ended for PS3 and because i don't wanted to spend money for more games, because i already played and bought many games in 90's and expecially for PS2 and a little less for PS3, but i understood what there is hidden in modding business and i will never more mod a console, if i will buy one. Goodbye.
Hello. Thanks. Not, it's not RTM, because if you see here, for example, every cid don't last not even two hours or less, so, there is not even time to steal a cid and sell it or use it by creators of RTM tools or mod menus or whatever. The fact is different, i already wrote it, in few words IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY. Play offline have fun and if you want to play online without problems, buy a new console and stay OFW (i mean with your console not modded), so you will play and wack people will make no money about cids and other things. I Modded my PS3 only because online games was ended for PS3 and because i don't wanted to spend money for more games, because i already played and bought many games in 90's and expecially for PS2 and a little less for PS3, but i understood what there is hidden in modding business and i will never more mod a console, if i will buy one. Goodbye.
you get banned if you don't know what your doing with a jailbreak personally, that's what I think
You sleep asf Psn patch does not have a cid stealer. I have been using the same cid for 6 years now, it’s my original cid never purchased one. All you have to do is disable the auto sign in, run pan patch disable cylicles

bro gtfoh psn patch does not have a cid stealer. I have been using the same cid for 6 years. All you have to do is disable auto sign in, RUN PSN PATCH FIRST disable cyllacles or hit X on this controller, then run ps ninja. Load up whatever game and then go online. These people always run home brew online like noobies and try to run the ninja and erase history as if Sony can’t see the activity

bro gtfoh. Psn patch does not have a cid stealer, I have been using the same cid for 6 years with psn patch and ps ninja. All you have to do is disable auto sign in and go black offline. It’s always the noobies that tries to launch homebrew while signed in trying to disable cyllacles or whatever thinking that’s fine... hell nawl. Tell these people all you have to do is boot up offline(disable auto sign in) and run pan patch and tap X on the controller. Then run ps ninja I select every option except for the one before the last one. and I don’t go online until I’m at the sign in option on what ever game I’m playing, also I use console manager and change my cod to 32 random numbers after I’m on the online servers on whatever game to ensure my cid won’t be banned from that specific game.
Well said.
you get banned if you don't know what your doing with a jailbreak personally, that's what I think
Not, you personally wrote yersterday that there is a ban wave by $ony and that now cids are always banned because of that, so, be real and don't forget that what you say or what you write don't dissapear and someone can remember your words. Anyway, let's end this thing and believe what you want, i only wrote what i know for experience and knowledge about this things. It's only about money boy. Peace and goodbye.
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bro people bought Private CIDS nad tell me that they got banned in less then 5 minutes lol and no noot just that like 2 months ago i was on public for TIME bro!
Well whoever they are getting the cids from are probably dodgy,
get out of my post please!
Hey, i comment when i wont and i am free to express my opinion. First i work everydy, second i bought private cids three times and i know that they are worms that soonn or later will ban the cid to make people buy more, so, i only use cids to sincronize trophies because online is dead on PS3 and full of kids. So, think and learn to understand well what a person write. Then, i'm not the first to think that this youngers are the worse generation and the fault of banned cids, but there is someone that ban cids on websites too to make buy premium and if you don't know this things start to learn instead live on forums and useless social networks or whatever on internet. Third thing,i allways practiced sports, i'm a musical artist and i got muscles instead fat (anyway i respect fat people, but not nerds all day eating trash and with no life, allways on games and social garbage). After this, you can reply when you want, but you has been putted ko on everything you wrote. Grow up and start using your brain better. Plus, don't use that bully language, you willnever impress great mans like me. Happy future! OUT.
You sleep asf Psn patch does not have a cid stealer. I have been using the same cid for 6 years now, it’s my original cid never purchased one. All you have to do is disable the auto sign in, run pan patch disable cylicles

bro gtfoh psn patch does not have a cid stealer. I have been using the same cid for 6 years. All you have to do is disable auto sign in, RUN PSN PATCH FIRST disable cyllacles or hit X on this controller, then run ps ninja. Load up whatever game and then go online. These people always run home brew online like noobies and try to run the ninja and erase history as if Sony can’t see the activity

bro gtfoh. Psn patch does not have a cid stealer, I have been using the same cid for 6 years with psn patch and ps ninja. All you have to do is disable auto sign in and go black offline. It’s always the noobies that tries to launch homebrew while signed in trying to disable cyllacles or whatever thinking that’s fine... hell nawl. Tell these people all you have to do is boot up offline(disable auto sign in) and run pan patch and tap X on the controller. Then run ps ninja I select every option except for the one before the last one. and I don’t go online until I’m at the sign in option on what ever game I’m playing, also I use console manager and change my cod to 32 random numbers after I’m on the online servers on whatever game to ensure my cid won’t be banned from that specific game.
your oppinion tho hard to believe
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