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Search results

  1. Zrathex

    Services Rules

    Providing proof To help your thread gain more attention, It would be ideal for you to post pictures of your item/service you are selling, To do this make sure you have got your consolecrunch username located anywhere in the picture, More than one photo may be required depending on the...
  2. Zrathex

    How to use PayPal/Gooogle Wallet

    Hello Crunchers! We have received a lot of requests on how you can pay with a PayPal account or Google Wallet account if you wish to pay for Premium. I will show you the simply steps on how you can use them both and you will see how simple it is. How to setup/use PayPal: Head over to...
  3. Zrathex


    Hello Crunchers It is time for me to talk about my future! When I first joined cc, it was back in 2014 when I did not have a jailbroken ps3, but all I was looking for was modders. Then I bought my jailbroken ps3 and got to start doing YouTube videos with my bro Dench (Leader of Capo Modding...
  4. Zrathex

    Ended Christmas Giveaway

    It's December and getting close to Christmas :) This is a giveaway hosted by ConsoleCrunch. We will be giving away 2 premium subscription for 1 month. To enter this giveaway you need to follow the instruction down below: COMMENT "MERRY CHRISTMAS" 1 PREMIUM GIVEAWAY ENDS 12/18/16 2 PREMIUM...
  5. Zrathex

    Christmas Plan

    Hey Crunchers :) Christmas is my favorite season in the year, so I figured we should do something new this Christmas. I will discuss with @Younis about giveaway's, but we should definitely do some ;) Also when you are celebrating Christmas, sitting around table with family and eating the most...
  6. Zrathex

    What Happened Today!

    Hello! So first off I woke up from my bed and went to school buss :p When I arrived it was raining as crazy outside and I didn't have to take a shower today cause of the raining was doing it for me ;) Now lets get to the interesting part of the story! When I arrived the school and had to walk...
  7. Zrathex

    Banned Premium Console ID #99

    Buy Premium Upgrade's here: https://consolecrunch.com/link-forums/premium-upgrades.129/ Premium Console ID Here: https://consolecrunch.com/threads/premium-console-id-99.21817/ Credits: @Elite_Modz
  8. Zrathex

    Purchasing GeForce GTX 1080

    @Younis Buy the staff members GeForce 1080 for being awesome :fa: We love you :kissingheart:
  9. Zrathex

    What's your Slither score?

    Hello Crunchers :) What's your Slither score? If you haven't tried the game then go try it now: Http://slither.io
  10. Zrathex

    Slither.io Private Servers

    Hello Crunchers :) Should we host our own private servers on slither.io? We might be the first to release this idea and get it on slither. Closer change to get bigger ;)
  11. Zrathex

    ConsoleCrunch on Steam

    Hello Crunchers :D Today @LindowsOSX have made a ConsoleCrunch steam group. Everyone is welcome to join! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ConsoleCrunch
  12. Zrathex

    Looking for PS3 Recorded!

    Hello Crunchers! If you would like to be my ps3 recorder you would need the following: HDPVR or Elgato Youtube channel with 300+ subscribers. I will leave credits to you in description and you can be using my professional editing "What I like to call it :p" My Youtube Channel: Zrathex Comment...
  13. Zrathex

    PC N****r Menu v4.20 | Outdated | Working PC ONLY

    N****r Menu v4.20 (Outdated) New Features: v4.20: Skip intro and legal warnings No flickering in and out of passive mode/invisibility Add custom rp amount Removed money drop on self from online player menu (Downgrade to 1.24 if you need to drop money) Bug fixes (one hit kill, drop pickup...
  14. Zrathex

    PC GTA V PC - Angry Planes remake

    Buzzards, Valkyries, Savages, Lazer Jets and Titans will come and shoot missiles and bullets :) Tanks and Insurgents will spawn on ground to defeat the attackers. Download *** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description...
  15. Zrathex

    PC IronmanV installation guide - Armors and script

    (PC ONLY) Download Script (Required) Download the script here *Make sure you have the required windows packages for ScripthookVDotNet: http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2015/06/gta-v-net-scripts-setup.html Download of Armors (Optional) Armor - Mark III armor by JulioNIB: Main link -...
  16. Zrathex

    PC HULK script mod

    (PC ONLY) Download Installation guide ("English") Installation guide (Portuguese-BR) Plugins required: Make sure that you have the latest version of ScripthookVDotNet installed (v2.4) and working. Script will not work without this plugin. You also need ScripthookV and ASI loader installed...
  17. Zrathex

    Ended FM|T Account Give Away!!!

    Hello Crunchers :D If you would like to win this FrenchModdingTeam account you would have to follow the rules below. Thanks again for all the support I've on this and hope you all enjoy this. Special thanks to @Younis for letting me do this give away and front page. -------RULES------- Comment...
  18. Zrathex

    PS3 [1.26|DEX|BLES] G N✘K S SPRX Mod Menu v1.3 + FIREMAGGOT's G N✘K S

    To use the GNXKS sprx you need the sprx file and aneboot, you could use your own eboot but i recommend you to use our eboot because we’ve noticed that the sprx freeze with other eboot than our! You can also use our Mod Loader (include 7 script menus). We’re recommending to download the All in...
  19. Zrathex

    PS3 Non Host SPRX | Frost Engine | DEX

    Hello Crunchers! :) If you want a Non Host sprx menu for mw3, then you have come to the right thread. Hope you like the menu :D Frost Engine Virus Scan
  20. Zrathex


    Hello All, as many of you may know or may have heard that I was making a zombieland game mode if you ever were on MW2 at the time when the jailbreak for 3.55 went big and everyone was using GSC mods then you may have heard of this game mode if not then don't worry as I will explain it later on...
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